Transparent Society and privacy debate

David Brin has his defense of the Transparent Society up at Wired. This was in response to a critque by Bruce Schneier that centered around unequal power. My tiny involvement was emailing David Brin to make him aware of the Schneier article. A common problem with attacks on the 1997 book “The Transparent Society” is …

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Computational protein design has developed enzymes from scratch

In a major step forward for computational protein design, University of Washington scientists have built from scratch a handful of enzymes that successfully catalyze a specific chemical reaction. These proteins have no naturally occurring counterparts, and the reaction–which breaks down a man-made chemical–has no natural catalyst. David Baker and his colleagues at the University of …

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China’s Military and economy

There is an article and report by the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) where there are projections of a deficit in US military spending as China’s economy grow. The assumptions in this report and the time frame is nuts. They are talking about a big deficit in 2050-2080 assuming higher than US per …

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