Weird Claim That Zuckerberg Does Not Believe in AI Compute Scaling

Ate-a-Pi has a weird claim that Mark Zuckerberg does not believe in AI compute scaling delivering better performance. There is also a claim about energy constraints for data centers and AI chips maximizing on performance per watt. Zuckerberg says that the exponential curves are still scaling. He says no ones how long that scaling continues. …

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XAI Grok 1.5 Vision Leverages Tesla FSD to Understand the Real World

Grok-1.5V is competitive with existing frontier multimodal models in a number of domains, ranging from multi-disciplinary reasoning to understanding documents, science diagrams, charts, screenshots, and photographs. Grok has capabilities in understanding our physical world. Grok outperforms its peers in our new RealWorldQA benchmark that measures real-world spatial understanding. For all datasets below, they evaluate Grok …

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Meta Llama 3 70B Open Source Model Beats Claude 3 Sonnet

Llama 3 is Meta’s latest generation of models that has state-of-the art performance and efficiency for openly available LLMs. Meta AI is available online for free. The small 7B model beats Mistral 7B and Gemma 7B. The 70B beats Claude 3 Sonnet (closed source Anthropic model) and competes against Gemini Pro 1.5 (closed source model …

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Anthropic Claude 3 is Sometimes Better than OpenAI GPT4 Turbo

The various Claude 3 models are ranking very closely to the OpenAI GPT 4 AI models. Claude is able to understand images. I uploaded the picture of a SpaceX Starship refueling in space. Claude Sonnet described its understanding as follows. The image depicts two futuristic-looking spacecraft or rockets in space, seemingly in orbit around the …

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Who wins AI? How do they Make Money? Will Voice Be the Main Interaction to AI?

Microsoft is doing very well by buying OpenAI. OpenAI is making money now. AI Models are becoming commoditized. In the long run, there seems to be a race to the bottom on pricing. Open Source AI models like Meta could be used to become the Platform. All of the development happens on your platform. If …

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XAI Grok-1.5 With Vision

Grok-1.5V is XAI’s first-generation multimodal model. In addition to its strong text capabilities, Grok can now process a wide variety of visual information, including documents, diagrams, charts, screenshots, and photographs. Grok-1.5V will be available soon to our early testers and existing Grok users. Capabilities Grok-1.5V is competitive with existing frontier multimodal models in a number …

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