Canada s Oil Forecast and Saskatchewan’s Bakken Status

Technology is unlocking the Bakken oilfield potential In Saskatchewan. As of mid-October, 2008, Saskatchewan had 1,050 wells capable of producing in the Bakken. Of these, the vast majority (979) have been drilled since October 2004. Over the first eight months of 2008, the Bakken accounted for about 8.6 million bbls (an average of 35,250 bbls …

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Self-Assembled Memory 10 terabits per inch – 250 DVDs in Disk the Size of a Quarter

The sawtooth ridges formed by cutting and heating a sapphire crystal serves to guide the self-assembly of nanoscale elements into an ordered pattern over arbitrarily large surfaces. Researchers say the new, easy-to-implement technique may transform the data storage industry. The density achievable with the technology we’ve developed could potentially enable the contents of 250 DVDs …

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Lasers, Holograms and Laser Communication Roundup

1. Photonic chip breaking the terabit-per-second barrier. Researchers from Australia, Denmark, and China have combined efforts to show the feasibility of terabit-per-second Ethernet over fiber-optic cables. The solution involves a photonic chip that uses laser light for switching signals, and a form of the exotic material type, chalcogenide. One of the key breakthroughs researchers made …

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North Dakota Bakken oil production over 166,000 barrels per day, up 10,000 over May

North Dakota June 2008 daily production is now over 166,000 barrels of oil per day which is 10,000 barrels per day more than in May 2008 North Dakota is hitting transportation issues getting the oil out of the state. However, oil can still be moved out it just costs more to do it. North Dakota’s …

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Star Trek is capitalistic not fascist

Michael Anissimov at Accelerating Future has an article where he promotes the World Transhumanist Association discussion topic: Is Star Trek a Fascist Society? I have seen the 726 episodes across 6 TV series and 10 (and soon 11) movies and many of the books, two Vegas rides, etc… Their continuing mission (not always successful) is …

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Intel confirms programmable, multi-core chip

Intel’s Larrabee chip will be a multi-core, programmable part that will use a tweaked version of the x86 instruction set and will have at least one teraflop of processing power. Intel expects software developers to craft specialized applications for the processor, giving them a boost on some of the most demanding workloads. Intel expects to …

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