Biggest Science and Technology Stories of 2024

Brian Wang and Randy Kirk discussed the expected biggest science and technology stories of 2024. The potentially biggest development in 2024 could be antiaging science reaching a milestone of doubling the remaining lifespan of a mouse. The Longevity Escape velocity program has take four promising anti-aging treatments and applied them in various combinations to a …

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Elon Musk and Peter Diamandis Talk About The Abundant Future

Peter Diamandis told Elon Musk that healthy, longevity will be possible very soon. Elon Musk did agree that extreme longevity should be a very solvable engineering problem. Elon Musk again said that overpopulation is a big lie. The world is mostly empty. Fly a plane from New York to Los Angeles and try to drop …

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High-Performance Ultrafast Lasers That Fit on a Fingertip

New high-performance ultrafast lasers are being made on nanophotonic chips. The new work centers on miniaturizing mode-lock lasers — a unique laser that emits a train of ultrashort, coherent light pulses in femtosecond intervals, which is an astonishing quadrillionth of a second. Ultrafast mode-locked lasers are indispensable to unlocking the secrets of the fastest timescales …

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Progress to Living Molecular Cell Repair Organoids That Could Fix Neurons, Nerves and the Spinal Cord

Researchers have now taken a step toward that vision of molecular systems that repair cells inside the human body. Molecular repair built from a patient’s own cells will eventually ferret out cancer, repair injured tissue, and even remove plaque from blood vessels. They have gotten tracheal cells to form coordinated groups called organoids that can …

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New Chemical Scissors Will Enable Some Drugs to Be $3 Instead of $3200

UCLA chemists have made dramatic improvements in organic chemistry. They use oxygen, copper ‘scissors’ to make cheaper drug treatments possible. Zhiqi He et al, Aminodealkenylation: Ozonolysis and copper catalysis convert C(sp 3 )–C(sp 2 ) bonds to C(sp 3 )–N bonds, Science (2023). Editor’s summary Reactions that form carbon–nitrogen bonds most often target carbon centers …

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Transferring and Rejuvenating Brains As a Path to a Problematic Form of Physical Immortality

Approaches to achieving radical life extension involve many scientific unknowns. There is uncertainty around whether the different forms of aging damage can be repaired. There is an approach to immortality that replaces scientific unknowns with huge technical challenges. The technically challenging approach is: 1. Rejuvenate the body by growing a body using an egg cell …

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Brain, Body and Ship of Theseus

The Ship of Theseus is a thought experiment about whether an object which has had all of its original components replaced remains the same object. Theseus, the mythical Greek founder-king of Athens, rescued the children of Athens from King Minos after slaying the minotaur and then escaped onto a ship going to Delos. Each year, …

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Progressive Brain Tissue Replacement Jean Hebert

Brain plasticity is key to making progressive brain tissue replacement work. Various brain functions can move to different parts of the brain. Jean Hebert plan would be to grow a new body with gene therapy to knockout brain development. The body would need to be kept on life support for 14-18 years until the skull …

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A Coherent, Executable Plan to Achieve Unlimited Healthy Lifespan

The Longevity Biotech Fellowship is a group of scientists, entrepreneurs, funders, and institutional allies who cooperate to advance biotechnology to reverse aging and extend human healthspan. This group is sponsored by 100 Plus Capital. Mark Hamalainen is cofounder of the Longevity Biotech Fellowship. His career has progressed from manual bench work in academia, to lab …

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Did Rejuvant Antiaging AKG Help Me?

After I, Brian Wang, took Rejuvant, time released AKG a second aging biomarker test and a spit test analysis showed my biological age decreased by about 4 years. I feel good and healthy now and during my time taking the supplement. However, I cannot directly correlate good energy levels and any feelings of well being …

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Are Low-cost Whole Body MRI Worth It?

Prenuvo and other clinics are offering low-cost whole body MRI. This can be used to detect certain medical conditions at an early stage. Diagnostic MRI, while widely considered to be one of the most valuable imaging modalities, is often used quite late because it is slow and therefore expensive. Because of this slowness, screening using …

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