Elon Musk tweets that the thrusters are working on Spacex Dragon

5 minutes ago Elon Musk tweeted Pods 1 and 4 now online and thrusters engaged. Dragon transitioned from free drift to active control. Yes!! SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket lifted off on time this morning from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, sending a Dragon freighter into orbit on its way to the International Space Station. …

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High Speed Rail in the USA, South Korea, China and the world

High-speed rail projects in 23 U.S. states will share $2.4 billion in federal aid, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said today, adding to $8 billion in stimulus money already awarded for passenger train service. South Korea had an assessment of high speed rail capabilities for countries in the world. Korea, China, Japan, France, Germany, Italy and …

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