Vera Rubin Telescope Could Detect Mars, Mercury And Pluto Sized Planets from 2025-2035

Researchers estimate that the number of captured free-floating planets in the outer solar system with mass strictly greater than that of Mars is ∼1.2 and that the number of such planets with a strict cutoff at the mass of Mercury is ∼2.4. When they instead adopt logarithmic bins centered at the Mars mass and the …

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Dwarf planet TG387 points to larger planet X in our solar system

Carnegie’s Scott Sheppard and his colleagues—Northern Arizona University’s Chad Trujillo, and the University of Hawaii’s David Tholen—are once again redefining our Solar System’s edge. They discovered a new extremely distant object far beyond Pluto with an orbit that supports the presence of an even-farther-out, Super-Earth or larger Planet X. 2015 TG387 was discovered about 80 …

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Our Solar System has 127 probable planets and 500+ possibles

It is estimated that there may be 200 dwarf planets in the Kuiper belt of the outer Solar System and possibly more than 10,000 in the region beyond. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) has accepted four as official dwarf planets: Pluto, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake, as well as Ceres in the inner Solar System. Philip …

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