Interview on 5000 qubit quantum system and paths to general purpose quantum computers

Nextbigfuture interviewed Bo Ewald, who is D-Wave System’s President of International Business. Bo previously worked at Cray, Silicon Graphics and Los Alamos National Laboratory. How does Quantum Annealing work ? Bo provided the following analogy of the Quantum Annealing process. Imagine the solution to complex math and science problems is like a mountain landscape. The …

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Dwave Systems has upgraded reverse annealing quantum system that is 150 times faster

D-Wave Systems Inc., the world’s leader in quantum computing systems and software, announced major upgrades coming to the D-Wave 2000QTM quantum computer in the first quarter of 2018. Two of the most powerful new capabilities are reverse annealing and virtual graphs. These features enable significant performance improvements over the current D-Wave 2000Q system by giving …

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Quantum Computers Mainstream in 2018 and race ahead of Supercomputer power

Quantum Supremacy is when quantum computers become faster than classical computers. Once Quantum Computers surpass classical computers they will continue to improve at a FAR more rapid pace. Doubling the transistors on a regular chip might achieve double the performance doubling the qubits on a quantum computer can provide an exponential speedup depending upon the …

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Universal Quantum computers, Analog Quantum computers and Annealers

In Dec 2015, US Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) program notified IBM that it would award its scientists a major multi-year research grant to advance the building blocks for a universal quantum computer. A universal quantum computer uses quantum mechanics to process massive amounts of data and perform computations in powerful new ways not …

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How much faster will quantum computers be ? For more energy efficient industry and accelerated AI

Quantum computers offer “only” an n^2/3 black-box speedup over classical computers, rather than a square-root speedup. A paper (Quantum lower bounds for the collision and the element distinctness problems) proves that any quantum algorithm for finding a collision in an r-to-one function must evaluate the function Omega((n/r)^{1/3}) times, where n is the size of the …

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Quantum Computing a Leap to the next industrial revolution

Morgan Stanley believes in the emerging impact of Quantum computing. A recent Morgan Stanley report, citing efforts underway among several private companies and technology giants, universities and government research labs. If these developments yield functional quantum computers, the market for high-end computing could double in the next 10 years to $10 billion. Successful quantum computing …

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Oak Ridge teams get $10.5 million to try to make quantum algorithms work on near term architectures

Two Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Quantum Information Science Group teams received more than $10 million over five years to both assess the feasibility of quantum architectures in addressing big science problems and to develop algorithms capable of harnessing the massive power predicted of quantum computing systems. The two projects are intended to work in concert …

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Quantum Annealer 10,000 times faster than classical computers by 2023

Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) has selected the University of Southern California to lead a consortium of universities and private companies to build quantum computers that are at least 10,000 times faster than the best state-of-the-art classical computers. USC will lead the effort among various universities and private contractors to design, build and test …

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Simulated Quantum Annealing on regular computers can handle up to a million variable optimization

Supply chain optimization software vendor ServicePower can handle optimizations problems that need to analyze up to 1 million variables. Each variable is represented by a virtual Qubit. They simulate their quantum annealing using parallelization on standard server farms using normal computer hardward to make up for the slower speed compared to D-Wave’s specialized quantum hardware. …

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Acceleration in projected growth of global robotics industry

In 2016, International Data Corporation (IDC) has identified robotics as one of six Innovation Accelerators that will drive digital transformation by opening new revenue streams and changing the way work is performed. IDC forecasted global spending on robotics and related services to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17% from more than …

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A healthy lifestyle and a moderate amount of genetic and other luck means life expectancy of 95+ is possible now

The University of Pennsylvania has a life expectancy calculator based upon on a statistical regression of more than 400,000 data samples. The data was collected by the National Institute of Health and AARP. Major longevity factors that are under your control are * Education level (college educated live longer) * Marital Status (married live longer) …

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