Google’s Quantum Supremacy is a Foundation Where Quantum Systems Were Engineered to Solve Big Problems

The Google team forced themselves to work on the hardest part of quantum computers which is quantum systems engineering. Quantum systems engineering is making everything work together at the same time. The system maintained quantum operation for 200 seconds and they solved a problem in a search space of over ten thousand trillion (10^16) states. …

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IonQ Path to Thousands of Qubits and Quantum Supremacy

Quantum Supremacy is defined as the point when quantum computers become faster than regular computers. Quantum computers can become thousands of times more powerful when the number of qubits are doubled. In December, 2018, IonQ announced at the Q2B conference that they had loaded trapped ion systems with 79 qubits for processing and 160 qubits …

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Google on track to make quantum computer faster than classical computers within 7 months

John Martinis, one of Google’s quantum computing gurus, laid out Google’s “stretch goal”: to build and test a 49-qubit (“quantum bit”) quantum computer by the end of 2017. This computer will use qubits made of superconducting circuits. Each qubit is prepared in a precise quantum state based on a two-state system. The test will be …

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China builds five qubit quantum computer sampling and will scale to 20 qubits by end of this year and could any beat regular computer next year

Chinese researchers have built a 10 qubit quantum computer. China builds ten qubit quantum computer, They will scale to 20 qubits by end of this year and could beat the performance of any regular computer next year with a 30 qubit system. A chinese research team led by Pan Jianwei is exploring three technical routes …

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High quality graphene made from soybean oil in a single step

Until now, the high cost of graphene production has been the major roadblock in its commercialiZation. Previously, graphene was grown in a highly-controlled environment with explosive compressed gases, requiring long hours of operation at high temperatures and extensive vacuum processing. Australian CSIRO scientists have developed a novel “GraphAir” technology which eliminates the need for such …

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