Brontosaurus determined to exist as distinct member of one of 15-18 Diplodocid dinosaur species

A team of paleontologists led by Emanuel Tschopp at the New University of Lisbon in Portugal has just completed a massive computer analysis of fossils in a group of dinosaurs called Diplodocids. They found that Brontosaurus are its own group. Its fossils share distinct, incomparable bone features—enough for it to reclaim its iconic genus name. …

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Aragoscope is space telescope system that could achieve 1000 times higher resolution than Hubble Telescope

A new space telescope concept, named the Aragoscope after French scientist Francois Arago who first detected diffracted light waves around a disk, could allow scientists to image space objects like black hole “event horizons” and plasma swaps between stars, said Cash of CU-Boulder’s Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy. The novel telescope system also could …

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Virgin Galactic Spaceship 2 crashed

SpaceShipTwo’s pilot ejected as disaster struck and suffered moderate to severe injuries, it has been revealed. His co-pilot was killed in the crash. Virgin Galactic’s spacecraft SpaceShipTwo has crashed during a test flight following what the firm has called a ‘serious anomaly.’ One of the two pilots on board is reported to have died and …

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China fielding its submarines with nuclear missiles

China is expected to pass a military milestone this year when it sets a different type of sub to sea—a “boomer,” carrying fully armed nuclear missiles for the first time—says the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence, or ONI. Chinese already has nuclear-powered submarines and hunter killer submarines. China has fulfilled its four-decade quest to join …

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Plastic to Pavement

India has 15000 tons of plastic waste every day. This amount should double in 5 years. 5,000 kilometers (3,000 miles) of plastic roads have been laid in India in at least 11 states. Solving India’s garbage problem requires more than a technological solution. In a country where throwing garbage onto the roads and littering in …

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Jibo the first family robot could revolutionize personal robotics by solving ease of use robotics like iPads for tablets and iPhones for smartphones

JIBO, The World’s First Family Robot, has raised $864,000 on Indiegogo and still has 26 days left to go on its crowdfunding campaign. It is scheduled to be available by December 2015, Jibo will be capable of interacting with its owners; for now, it is just a prototype, but that could soon change. Social robotics …

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Human Longevity Inc will try to defeat all of the diseases of aging to make 100 the new 60 and have healthier people living longer

Craig Venter is teaming up Dr. Robert Hariri, who once worked directing cell therapy operations at Celgene, a biopharmaceutical company, and engineer Dr. Peter Diamandis, chairman of the X Prize Foundation. Karen Nelson, who headed the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI), will lead the microbiome team. They launched a new company called Human Longevity Inc. …

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Carnival of Space 362

Carnival of Space 362 is up at Everyday Spacer The Meridiani Journal – Titan’s hidden ocean might be as salty as the Dead Sea Saturn’s moon Titan is known for its methane seas, lakes, and rivers; surprisingly Earth-like in appearance yet distinctly alien at the same time. But there is also evidence for another ocean, …

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the future of more cities, more nuclear energy, and water management

1. There are 22 cities with a population over 10 million people today, according to the United Nations. By 2040 there should be 31 more cities with over 10 million people based on current projections. They will predominantly in China with nine and India with eight. The numbers also show that the world is becoming …

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Elon Musk unveils Space X’s Reusable Dragon V2 spacecraft

The new Spacex Dragon V2 can carry seven astronauts for several days It can land propulsively with the accuracy of a helicopter anywhere on Earth. It has an improved pica heat shield. It should be carrying astronauts in 2017 or 2018 to the space station and other places in orbit. The new version of Dragon …

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