Controllable DNA binding on Nanoparticles

The novel DNA ‘sticky ends’ can form intra-particle loops and hairpins (e.g. schemes II & III), giving more control over the particles’ interactions than conventional sticky ends that can only form inter-particle bridges (scheme Ia). Researchers at New York Univ. have created a method to precisely bind nano- and micrometer-sized particles together into larger-scale structures …

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Gene for Hair Loss (Baldness) Found in Mice

Disruption of the Sox21 gene causes hair loss (baldness in mice) This gene would be target for gene therapy to treat baldness in humans. 9 pages of supplemental research information Brian WangBrian Wang is a Futurist Thought Leader and a popular Science blogger with 1 million readers per month. His blog is ranked #1 …

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Emerging Technological Black Swans

The Black Swan theory (in Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s version) refers to a large-impact, hard-to-predict, and rare event beyond the realm of normal expectations. Taleb regards many scientific discoveries as “black swans” — undirected and unpredicted. He gives the rise of the Internet, the personal computer, World War I, and the September 11, 2001 attacks as …

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Plenty of Money for Energy and Nuclear Power

President-elect Barack Obama has put forth a goal to reduce carbon emissions in the U.S. by 80% by 2050, using $150 billion over 10 years to create a “clean-energy” future. Cambridge Energy Research Associates has estimated that the potential for world-wide investment in clean energy, of which nuclear generation is the focal point, will reach …

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Singapore heart stem cell transplant could replace heart bypass surgery

Singapore’s National Heart Centre should start human clinical trials for stem cells for treating heart disease in one or two years. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. This follows recent news of using stem cells to create an unlimited disease free blood supply and the possibility of using stem cells …

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TVA may restart construction of Bellefonte 1 and 2, two unfinished nuclear reactors

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is requesting that the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reinstates the construction permits for two unfinished reactors at its Bellefonte site in Alabama. It continues to pursue regulatory approval for two further units at the site. Bellefonte 1 (1213 MWe, 88% complete) and 2 (1213 MWe, 50% complete) are pressurized …

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Interstellar space travel prediction needs comparable advances in all areas

There has been recent discussion of a possible way to travel faster than light using dark energy, but that to move a 1000 cubic meter object it would take 10**45 joules (convert Jupiter into energy). However, it makes no sense to assume being able to convert a planetary mass into energy without having increased control …

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2016 Next Big Predictions

This site predicts that 2016 will be year of significant milestones for technology and other world changes. A prediction on a relatively trivial topic. Tokyo will hold the 2016 summer olympics. Three other cities are still in the running. 2016 will likely be the end of the second presidential term for the president elected in …

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Iraq oil status and possible increases in 2009 and 2010

The US state department reports Iraq oil production for second week of May, 2008 at 2.52 million bpd. (slide 22 of the 35 slide report) Iraq exporting 1.88-2.04 million bpd, since Sept 2007. The May, 2008 projection is for 2.04 million bpd. Vitol, Anadarko, and Dome oil companies have formed a consortium currently negotiating with …

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Limits to AGI, brain computer interfaces, nanomedicine and nanorobots

Some people scoff at mind uploading, human level or greater artificial intelligence or nanorobots that are able repair all damage to the human body Here is a review of the current state of brain computer interfaces, brain simulation, and nanomedicine related medicine (cellular repair and rejuvenation) and science. I do not see anything stopping zettaflop …

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Inertial Confinement Fusion update

At the end of this lengthy MSNBC article is some information about the Bussard fusion process where researchers are building a new demonstration system WB7 One interesting point is that the University of Wisconsin has 100 people and about 10 million in budget per year that is devoted inertial confinement fusion. They are obviously aware …

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