Tensors are Critical for AI Processing But What Are Tensors? TPUs?

Dan Fleisch briefly explains some vector and tensor concepts from A Student’s Guide to Vectors and Tensors. In the field of machine learning, tensors are used as representations for many applications, such as images or videos. They form the basis for TensorFlow’s machine learning framework. It is useful to understand Tensors, Tensorflow, and TPU (Tensor …

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On Device AI coming from Google to support speech processing and augmented reality

The Google IO keynote discussed on device AI. It is at about 1:22 in the video of the Keynote. – Google is making tensorflow lite (open source machine learning) to put AI onto devices – It will have new hardware acceleration of AI for android smartphones and tablets. DSPs designed for neural network inference and …

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Google will put mini-TPUs into upcoming cellphones

Nextbigfuture talked to an attendee of 2017 Google IO and he reported that Google will be putting mini versions of the second generation TPU (tensor processing unit) into all new google cellphones. The TPU is optimized for artificial intelligence and deep learning. The new TPU has 180 teraflops of processing power. It was not revealed …

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Google will make 1,000 Cloud TPUs (44 petaFLops) available at no cost to ML developers

< Google announced that their second-generation Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) are coming to Google Cloud to accelerate a wide range of machine learning workloads, including both training and inference. We call them Cloud TPUs, and they will initially be available via Google Compute Engine. Developers can program these TPUs with TensorFlow, the most popular open-source ...

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