OpenAI Q* Reasoning Rumor is Similar to Meta AI Planning Approach

Meta is working on adding latent space planning/search to large language model AI.

1️⃣H-GAP (
2️⃣Diffusion World Model (
3️⃣TAP (
4️⃣LaMCTS (
5️⃣LaP3 (
6️⃣LaSynth (
7️⃣LaMOO (

Rumored OpenAI Q* Is Optimization in Abstract Representation Space

The innovation in Q* lies in its optimization process, conducted not within the space of possible text strings but in an abstract representation space. Here, thoughts or ideas are represented in a form that allows for the computational minimization of the EBM’s scalar output, akin to finding the path of least resistance in a landscape. This process involves gradient descent, a method for finding the minimum of a function, applied to iteratively refine these abstract representations towards those that yield the lowest energy in relation to the prompt.