Tesla FSD Car Data Infrastructure is Years Ahead

Yesterday, AI Expert James Douma predicted that Tesla FSD version 12 would be able to eliminate 99% of the human interventions experienced in FSD version 11.

Technology analyst and investors Bill Gurley and Brad Gerstner describe what they have learned about how Tesla gathers the data for FSD training.

Tesla tracks all of the best human drivers of Tesla cars.
The AI computer in the filters and determines which unusual situations were handled by the car and driver that day.
The useful training cases are returned to Tesla’s central systems after compression.
The FSD system is measuring the pixels of the video with the good driver behavior. The label is the good driver behavior.
The rate of improvement is 5-10X per month faster.

1 thought on “Tesla FSD Car Data Infrastructure is Years Ahead”

  1. Hopefully this is a rare case where accumulating facts eventually triumph over disinformation, FUD and politics by brute force. When FSD is unambiguously better than most human drivers, regulatory barriers will weaken and collapse. Tesla seems quite prepared to just patiently iteratively improve it until that happens. In retrospect this may be harder and take longer than employing tens of thousands of Optimus robots at Tesla and suppliers – but it will have made that possible.

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