Tesla FSD Has Intelligent Collision Avoidance

Tesla FSD videos where the FSD system drove over a small curb to avoid a truck and over dirt where there was construction on the regular road. The Tesla FSD system has intelligent collision avoidance.

Tesla Autopilot lead, Ashok Elluswamy, says that

Whether some surface is drivable or not is all contextual. We typically don’t want the car to drive on dirt, but since the paved road is closed, the car needs to drive on dirt. The same logic also applies to, for example, mounting small curbs to avoid a larger obstacle. So “collision avoidance” cannot be an absolute objective, but a relative one. The actual objective is minimizing risk of injury / property damage while still getting to the destination. It requires a lot of intelligence to assess this risk accurately. This comes naturally to humans and is now also obvious to the car’s AI.

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