Canada Added 103,600 People in Two Weeks

Canada now has 40.1 million people. Statscan realtime calculation is an increase of over 103,000 in two weeks since passing 40.0 million. If this pace was kept up Canada would add 1.3 million more people in the remainder of 2023.

Statistics Canada says Canada added more than 145,000 immigrants during the first three months of 2023. That’s the highest number for a single quarter on record. It is likely that Statscan had to make a significnat adjustment in the realtime population estimate based on the first quarter numbers.

Canada is tracking ahead of all population growth scenarios made in late 2022.

Canada could end 2023 with 40.8 to 41.0 million people and 42.0 million in 2024 and 43.2 million in 2025.

This would be ahead of the high growth scenario by many years.

20 thoughts on “Canada Added 103,600 People in Two Weeks”

  1. I’d give you even money that if all of these immigrants were Whites from Europe none of you would be complaining.

  2. Hooray!!! Let’s all welcome Canada to the Third World.

    Did anyone ask the actual Canadians if they wanted this?

    • Canada is a severely underdeveloped country, you should be celebrating this amazing growth instead of decrying it…

      • We need quality growth not quantity growth. We don’t need the world’s cast-offs and malcontents and those not willing to stick it out to fix their own country. We don’t need the huge expenses and disruptions of dealing with assimilating endless languages/ cultures/ religious back-stories into a previously ‘working’ system of pro-work-identity, pro-consumerism, pro-individualism, mostly-agnostic/low-practicing, etc., that is cultural identity of the US, UK, and Canada. We don’t need overflowing classrooms, doubled ESL budgets, new slums of generic concrete sky-hives filled with cell upon cell of low-value, low-productivity, high-emotion, 6-kid families. We don’t need the balkanization of our suburbs as endless neighborhoods become homogenized to some dominant refugee background with all the increasing violence and segregation that plagued their original countries. Non-top-1%/ full-working Immigration just dilutes and impoverishes the destination country, deprives the donor country of its most ambitious (though ultimately traitorous). And to what end? The donor country doesn’t improve with its brain/muscle drain. Immigration support budgets skyrocket. Immigrants aren’t emotionally invested in the new country, yet will try to fake it until they make it. There are a million temporary solutions to ‘training, exposing, and enriching’ work visitors on 1-, 2- and 5-year ‘tours of duty’. This New Home, New Dream abroad has to change.

        • We need quality growth not quantity growth. We don’t need the world’s cast-offs and malcontents and those not willing to stick it out to fix their own country.

          The Statue of Liberty disagrees with you:

          “”Give me your tired, your poor,
          Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
          The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
          Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
          I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

  3. Canada does not have the infrastructure or housing in place to accommodate all these people. In the aftermath of COVID, the Biden whitehouse doubled down on deficit spending, relying on the endless buoyancy of the US dollar as the world’s global reserve currency – something which is now threatening to push foreign countries into de-dollarization. Meanwhile Canada doesn’t have the same option, due to the Canadian dollar not being the world’s global reserve currency. So instead, Canada’s ruling politicians are doubling down on immigration as their panacea, hoping it will keep housing valuations afloat. This will only inflict excruciating pain on Canadians who are not already home-owners (ie. those who rent, or who are looking to buy). Canada’s infrastructure will only be further squeezed to even more painful proportions. Ruling politicians will continue to come up with ever more creative economic stuntsmanship. But they are riding the tiger, and when things fall apart the results will be catastrophic.

  4. Even though I believe that immigration, generally, is the unraveling of greatness for any richer nation as they try to assimilate and fund the language/cultural deficiencies needed to likely, at best, accomplish a 2nd class mediocrity for those who choose to contribute (even in mostly nepotistic and segregated ways) — perhaps, 2nd or 3rd generation individuals will embrace 1st-world entrepreneurialism and individuality values at some level. The data is yet to come in from the early 90s/ late 80s wave. The 50s/60s group had ok descendents. They can’t hide in their parents suburban home, extended family and all, forever.
    Of course, it would be interesting to see how the ‘contributing’ country gains or falters (change in GDP with emigrants left) now that its most ambitious and resourceful left for ‘allegedly greener pastures’.

    • Canada does not have the infrastructure or housing in place to accommodate all these people. In the aftermath of COVID, the Biden whitehouse doubled down on deficit spending, relying on the endless buoyancy of the US dollar as the world’s global reserve currency – something which is now threatening to push foreign countries into de-dollarization. Meanwhile Canada doesn’t have the same option, due to the Canadian dollar not being the world’s global reserve currency. So instead, Canada’s ruling politicians are doubling down on immigration as their panacea, hoping it will keep housing valuations afloat. This will only inflict excruciating pain on Canadians who are not already home-owners (ie. those who rent, or who are looking to buy). Canada’s infrastructure will only be further squeezed to even more painful proportions. Ruling politicians will continue to come up with ever more creative economic stuntsmanship. But they are riding the tiger, and when things fall apart the results will be catastrophic.

  5. Well at least our forest fires are ruining the air quality for everyone equally, so we can all be dumbed-down together – our contribution to equality-for-all.

    • Yes.
      Perhaps worse than climate change, pandemic, and unfettered immigration saturation put together. Truly something that needs to be dealt with up there – soon.

      • Fire season in Canada has grown much longer due to increasing temperatures–aka climate change. Everyone who was saying Canada will make out spendidly in a warming climate due to increased arable land left out to 6 months of forest fires from the calculation.

        • Probably.
          But it’s all relative.
          If Canada is burning 6 months of the year, mid-century, then the US and Europe is already charcoal with melted interstate for as far as the eye can see – many will wish for the good ol’ days of early 2000s california fires.

  6. Isn’t that a great thing? Canada population won’t plummet, and won’t drop into recession to to decreasing population. And Canada has the resources, & empty land to support an increase in immigration.

    • Actually, most of Canada is an arctic wilderness, the best land is already occupied, and population increases are cutting into Canada’s best farmland.

      But if you want to live on lichen and spend most of the year in freezing cold, it’s a big country.

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