D-Wave Quantum Can Provide Billions in Value to Mastercard and Other Businesses

D-Wave Quantum Annealing systems are providing real business value to Mastercard and other companies. Steve Flinter of Mastercard presented a live demos of quantum-hybrid applications. The live demo showcased the technology’s applicability and potential impact in the financial services industry, with an application for customer loyalty and rewards programs.

Mastercard is able to use D-Wave quantum to provide superior complex optimization that provides better financial results than Mastercards regular approach. For a 100 customer sample, they would generate about $151k versus $96k for their regular approach. Mastercard has about 1 billion credit card customers and 1.5 billion debit card customers. There are about 250 million US customers and 750 million global customers. If Mastercard is able to increase its returns by over 50% this would be huge.

Businesses have needs to solve problems withs tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of parameters. The D-Wave hybrid system can handle 500,000 parameters or variables. The variables can be binary, integer and continuous.

They are optimizing NP-Hard problems.

IF a business has a lot of data, then by understanding relationships in the data very complex optimization can be performed using D-Wave’s hybrid solvers. The Hybrid solver uses the best of classical and best of quantum systems to solve big problems.

D-Wave Addressable Market

They could not address a material science problem two product generations ago and now they are 3 million times faster than classical computers for that valuable and practical combinatorial optimization problem.

2 thoughts on “D-Wave Quantum Can Provide Billions in Value to Mastercard and Other Businesses”

  1. “…use D-Wave quantum to provide superior complex optimization that provides better financial results than Mastercard’s regular approach. For a 100 customer sample, they would generate about $151k versus $96k for their regular approach…”

    So the credit card companies can use quantum computers to charge higher interest rates and assess more penalties?

    • They can get a better product mix out to customers, so that more people agree to use some Mastercard instead of a Visa or Amex or Discover and those card are ones they use more often.

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