Humane AI Pin Tries to Replace Apple iPhones

Humane has made the AI Pin. It seems to be trying to perform the functions of the Star Trek Next Generation comm badges and the Star Trek Discovery Tricomm badges. The humane AI Pin is trying to get to a Universal Translator function and various forms of voice and hand gesture activation.

It is a question of actual functionality.

The Smartphone and flipphones were inspired by the original Star Trek series communicators.

We will see if the Humane AI Pin can beat the voice and AI apps, Amazon Echo and Google home voice devices.

5 thoughts on “Humane AI Pin Tries to Replace Apple iPhones”

  1. Cool device, but it’s not replacing my smartphone, so I’d rather they let me pair it to my phone, and ditch the subscription. A device like this will probably replace our modern day phones eventually, but that’s probably 5+ years away, they gotta have it project holograms first, on to your palm only gets you so far…

  2. A comm badge for a phone, with integrated translator? Hell, I approve! Of course I would require an earpiece, as I don’t want my whole conversation being public.

    • Hopefully Gen 2, will have an earbud built into the badge, and can pop out for when you want to make a call, or listen to music.

  3. It’s pretty cool, but I can’t be the only one who noticed that it got the answer wrong about the next solar eclipse. It got the date right for the 2024 north american eclipse, but it got the location wrong. There was an eclipse on april 20th, 2023 that was indeed visible from Exmouth Australia and East Timor, but it mixed that information up with information about the upcoming eclipse. Not a great sign that they didn’t fact check this before putting out the demo video.

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