Sandy Munro Says the Teslabot Can Do All Factory Assembly Line Tasks

Factory and electric car expert Sandy Munro says the Teslabot can perform all factory assembly line tasks. He says based upon what I saw. Sandy Munro has been given special tours of the Tesla factories. He says he thinks Teslabot will on the real Tesla production lines later in 2024.

IF this is true then Tesla will be able to mass produce tens of thousands of Teslabots in 2024 to increase production and lower costs in their factories.

5 thoughts on “Sandy Munro Says the Teslabot Can Do All Factory Assembly Line Tasks”

  1. It can’t peel that egg it’s holding. Granted, that is a little more skill than most would define as “factory” work but the point is that people tend to underestimate how hard they think “simple” tasks are. Even “experts”

  2. I personally think Tesla will makes hundreds (not thousands) in 24′, and use them only in their own factories, and late 24′, unveil a new model, which will be the one mass produced for the world. Production will begin early 25′, and ramp up to roughly 10,000 in 25′ & 500,000 in 26′. 2 million in 27′.
    The demand for these is off the charts.

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