Tested Tesla Cybertruck Range and Bullet Resistance

Youtuber JerryRigEverything tested the Tesla Cybertruck against different caliber bullets a.22, a .17, a few 9mm, and of course a 223 and .50 cal round.

He also tested the towing range in cold weather pulling the maximum 11000 pound load.

Scroll down for the results or watch the videos:

The Cybertruck resisted .22 and 9mm bullets.

The Cybertruck got 90 miles of range towing 11000 miles in cold weather.

7 thoughts on “Tested Tesla Cybertruck Range and Bullet Resistance”

  1. It’s not a tank but that’s still not bad…with a regular car, a 9mm to the door will leave an exit hole on the other side of the car.

  2. WTH is with these morons who re treating the cyber truck like it is tank. It is truck TRUCK! Even 2 1/ ton military trucks re not impervious to bullets.

    ALL this is going to do is encourage punks with guns to shoot t it.

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