Twitter Changing to X and It Will Be AI Powered Interactivity

CEO of Twitter Linda Yaccarino says X is the future state of unlimited interactivity – centered in audio, video, messaging, payments/banking – creating a global marketplace for ideas, goods, services, and opportunities. Powered by AI, X will connect us all in ways we’re just beginning to imagine.

11 thoughts on “Twitter Changing to X and It Will Be AI Powered Interactivity”

  1. Olympica: The U.N. Raid on Mars, 2206 A.D. (MicroGame 7) January 1, 1978

    Amazing. One small game from 1978 predicted all of this.

    The basis crux of the matter was that the settlers on Mars, probably placed there by SpaceX, and surviving using power and robotics technologies pioneered by Tesla, and living in underground facilities courtesy of The Boring Company, become far more dependent on their Neuralink implants than the people on Earth (is that possible?) and eventually coalesce into a single non-human entity made up of humans and computers connected via a network known only as X. The humans in this network were called “webbies.”

    Bear in mind this game came out in the seventies. It certainly sounds like it could have come out yesterday.

    The game part involves Earth realizing that having Mars taken over by a non-human entity that will eventually see the entire human race as a resource (to be consumed and incorporated) is a very bad thing. Knowing that the thing is getting stronger, smarter, and more entrenched daily, they charge in immediately with anything and everything they can muster under the auspices of the United Nations

  2. The name change is the last nail in Twitter’s coffin. When venturing out of the engineering realm, The Musk has zero business abilities.

    • Gosh worth pointing out that transforming twitter in the an omnibus app was what motivated investors to help buy twitter so this was part of the plan to attract billions.

    • Golly, you must be a business mastermind and mega-success if you have such insight and wisdom. What’s the total market cap of all your listed companies? Or just your net worth?

      • Well Mr. Poor Reading Comprehension we are talking about Elon Musk so his worth is $1-$2 trillion give or take a few hundred billion.

        So unless you are Bezos’ or Zuck’s sock puppet I suppose you should sit this one out?

  3. Whoever integrates LLM AI better/faster is going to win, the established debates about social media don’t matter.)))

  4. Twitter is dead. It is an ex-parrot. The plan might be to move beyond messaging and into banking, booking and retail, but I’m not ever going to trust it with Musk in charge. Theres been many degradations to service in his time, and the only improvement has been the view count icon. I’m not going to trust it with money (Like I do with Paypal).

    At this stage, I’d have more faith in Yahoo becoming an everything-app.

  5. Facebook has a lot of AI resources but they may not be as bold and willing to experiment and break things as Elon.

    Whoever integrates LLM AI better/faster is going to win, the established debates about social media don’t matter.

    I must confess that I have followed Elon on Twitter since he had 27,000 followers. Whenever that was. In that whole time reading his tweets was the main thing I did on the platform. I often just googled him and clicked on Twitter. At some point I got a Twitter account. I followed some people. I occasionally but rarely tweeted. I never had much interest in a feed.

    I am aware of various things people do on the platform but I don’t know how to do them. How many Twitter users don’t really use the platform for anything except something very limited?

    LLM AI could potentially make a lot of platforms different features and capabilities more accessible even to people too lazy and unmotivated to bother to learn to use their touch screen interface.

    I hope to soon be able to talk to in English and have it respond in English and Graphics and give me choices. I’d hope it would get used to me and offer intelligent suggestions proactively. I’d hope it would create what amounts to a custom touch interface that simplifies what I want to do on the platform that’s intelligently updated as my tastes, choices, interests change.

    Google revolutionized advertising by making it targeted to users queries. Making it much more relevant made it less obtrusive and irritating and more effective. AI could go way beyond that.

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