Elon Musk Made X.AI for Safe Artificial General Intelligence

Walter Isaacson biography 94th chapter is about AI for humans. This describes the origin, purpose and some details about X.AI.

Elon Musk was musing that he was certain he could make Twitter (now X) into the largest financial institution in the world. However, he wanted to spend his time on more meaningful things. One of the more meaningful things is making AI safe.

He created X.AI and recruited Igor Babuschkin, AI researcher at Google’s DeepMind.

X.AI was behind OpenAI on the language speaking chatbot but ahead the self driving car, Teslabot and real world AI.

In April 2023, Elon gave Igor and X.AI three major goals.

1. Make an AI bot that could write computer code. a programmer could start typing in any language the bot would autocomplete.
2. A chatbot competitor to OpenAI chatbot but trained on data for political neutrality.
3. Assure that AI developed in ways that helped guarantee that human consciousness endured. Create an AGI that could reason, think and pursue truth as its guiding principle.

14 thoughts on “Elon Musk Made X.AI for Safe Artificial General Intelligence”

  1. ” guarantee that human consciousness endured.”?! Isn’t that about feelings and stuff, the very same ‘woke’ ideology that Musk claims to hate? Confused.

    • Woke just means “anything I dislike”. Ignore anyone who says it derives from slang for “aware” to mean awareness of social inequalities, they’re just woke.

      • Incorrect,

        woke is an organically developed term used to describe the more extreme form of American left wing politics.

        If you were to attribute ideological tenants for wokeness, they would be: dogmatic, hypocritical, Marxist, racist (see critical race theory), misandrist, anti-human & moral relativist.

        That last one is a doozy, moral relativism is that morals, laws, justice, aka the concept of “good” are all relative, so “the ends always justify the means” hence the blatant hypocrisy, lies theft, even murder (see communist revolutions 101) this is why you see woke politicians & activist pushing & skirting the laws, if not breaking them outright with few consequences while turning around and enforcing them on anyone who’s not in line.

        • Incorrecter.

          Woke is literally slang for aware. To “stay woke” means to remain aware of your surroundings. It’s been used in that manner since the 30s.

        • Incorrect.

          Woke has always been slang for aware, as in, “stay woke”, a phrase used since the 1930s. It has recently been co-opted by neo-Nazis (or alt-right as they rebranded themselves) because there is no coherent “left” for them to mark as an enemy. By taking a nebulous term and applying it to equally nebulous concepts, you can mark anyone you like. It’s so transparent.

    • How do you figure that? Do woke people care about human consciousness?

      From what I see the greens think that Earth would be better off without humans at all, ie they don’t hold human consciousness in high regard. And the people that are woke but not green – a very small slice – don’t have any opinion about human consciousness

      • Yeah, the best definition of “woke” is someone who thinks that everyone is racist, sexist and anti-gay and needs to be silenced and the only way they can prove they aren’t racist sexist and anti-gay is to agree with them on absolutely everything.

        • I would take that one further and say that Woke-ists are actually just overly-sensitive Anarchists and that Society-in-general offends them. Unless of course they need anything modern from society like a job or money or communication – in which case they just simper and sulk. The most hilarious aspect of them is that when you put them together in a group they don’t even agree or get-along -another case where the sum of the parts is so much less than the whole/group as to render their value-system a joke, truly.

          • Woke could be equally well be replaced by rebellious, moody teenager. In other words kids. In previous generations it was manifested as rock and roll, or punk rock. This generation is into being intolerant of those who are not tolerant. That is not so bad.

            • Reasonable.
              The problem is that most teenagers and their 30-something now-a-days-equivalent eventually do grow up and learn about compromise, duty, work ethic, station, balance, and all the other factors that actually contribute to a G7 rich world ‘values’ economy – perseverence + free market + trickle-down wealth + individualism-work-identity — and for the most part it is hard, but it is fair and predictable.
              However, I am not convinced that Woke-ists have that potential. If in some bizarre-world they achieved the quotas, lock-downs, regulatory-overhaul, etc., they desire – would they then shut-up and get back to work and be productive??? I don’t believe that for a second. They are career, thin-skinned, malcontents. Nothing will be good enough and they will even argue and conflict with each other to avoid merit-based work environments. They are simply society’s non-poor sludge; probably activists without name recognition like good-ol’ Greta who thought they could weather the ‘patriarchy’ to an easy, hedonistic, anti-traditional values system with the infrastructure and tech just waiting for them to work their 28-hr weeks… nope, so career malcontents.

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