Cybertruck Has Bulletproof Steel Doors and 3500 Pound Payload Capacity

Twitter user Greggertruck has reported the Tesla Cybertruck Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) specifications. GVWR is the weight of vehicles, passengers and payload. The Tesla Cybertruck seems like it will be able to handle 1000 to 1500 lbs more payload than the Ford F150 and the Rivian R1T. The GM Hummer is about double the price and has double the battery pack and sells tiny numbers.

Cybertruck GVWR 9,001lbs – 10,000lbs

Other EV trucks

Ford Lightning : 8,250lbs-8,550lbs
Rivian R1T: 8,532lbs
GM Hummer EV: 10,550

Reminder GVWR means gross vehicle weight rating and is the vehicle weight including payload. This rating puts Cybertruck in /b rated territory which is like a F-250/ GMC 2500 truck.

Original Cybertruck was said to have a 3500lbs payload.

There is a video clip showing what appears to be dents from bullets on a Cybertruck. Those seem to show that the metal doors are bullet proof.

The information used is the National Highway Traffic Safety Agency 3 page VIN decoder for the Tesla Cybertruck.

8 thoughts on “Cybertruck Has Bulletproof Steel Doors and 3500 Pound Payload Capacity”

  1. There needs to be a generator that you attach to a trailer or put in the rear for this. This would solve the long distance towing problems. I doubt Musk will make one but it would be good to have. A turbine of some sort would be best for low weight and size, even if it did not get the best fuel mileage. It would be for rare towing.

  2. A bullet through the battery would cause explosion and fire. The fireworks could become popular so precautions are justified. The rounds used to test appear to be from a handgun, not deer hunter 7.62mm or armor piercing rounds.

    • The article mentioned tommygun, aka the .45 pistol caliber Thompson sub-machine gun US forces used in the Second World War.

      .45 ACP is A wide & low velocity round with poor penetration power.
      and it despite such disadvantages it put such deep dents in the door, I suspect a higher velocity round would penetrate the first layer.

      there’s a reason Tesla insiders & reporters who know what they’re talking about say it’s bullet resistant, not proof.

      yeah Brian, that was a jab at your click baity headline 😛

      • A little ingenuity can convert 0.45 to armor piercing shape charge. Several semi automatic 0.45 carbines are available improvements on the tommy gun. The 0.45 was developed to stop Muslim fanatics who wrapped their waist with rubber tire inner tube and attacked from the jungle with a machete. The old 0.38 could not stop them. Mindinao, Philippines. They said a 0.45 can knock a man over wherever it hits. I heard of a hiker who got between his girlfriend and the grizzly bear chasing her. The hiker put all ten rounds from his 45 into the bear. The bear slowed up, walked into the bushes and died.

        • There are frangible rounds that our designed for home defense using a rifle – mostly 223 AR platforms. However, good ol FMJ amo will punch through obsticles far better than pistol rounds. Most pistol rounds are terrible at penetration in comparison to rifle rounds.

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