US Senate Puts Pressure on Fish and Wildlife Agency and the FAA for Delaying SpaceX Starship

US Senator Ted Cruz is putting pressure on the FAA and the other regulatory agencies (Fish and Wildlife) for delaying the SpaceX Starship launches and tests.

SpaceX has been ready for weeks with the next Starship and Super Heavy booster and they repaired and built a new launch pad and water deluge protection.

13 thoughts on “US Senate Puts Pressure on Fish and Wildlife Agency and the FAA for Delaying SpaceX Starship”

  1. 🙂 Bwa ha ha ha. I love watching big money politics. Ted would love extra campaign cash and Bull Musk has a lot of it. Traditional values … pay for play values. Poor Ted. Trump did his usual BS nonsense on him, saying his wife is ugly and his Dad was involved in the JFK killing. Then Ted gave Trump the middle finger in his conference speech and the billionaire puppeteers pulled the plug on Ted’s campaign cash. Ha ha ha ha. The system err … sucks, and billionaires have vastly more influence than wage slaves such as myself. Elon is getting in on the action, and Ted can bend for a friend … bend for a donor. Ted needs to improve his donor fellating skills and it looks like he is improving. Go Ted.

  2. I could be mistaken, but I read the land he’s on used to be a cow farm. What that has to do with the fish and wildlife service, I don’t know.

    • [ maybe it’s in a state of (legally) reentering wildness again;

      me thinking, it’s justified, if groups involved are supporting rockets leaving no burned sites(/planet’s areas) and advising for to improve situations, with them being/getting aware for responsibility for an ‘all-encompassing’ endeavor; maybe other countries are less strict with close advantages, bcse the power is intriguing/possessive
      Is FAA responsible for take off/landing ‘Niagara Falls’-power on higher numbers (outside? the US)? Difficult with balancing safety/integrity/labour options/progressive&fast advancing technology/GDP/political reputation (?)

      it can be an advantage for all groups involved ]

  3. SpaceX is the only way to send American stuff to space. Kinda a bad time to ask for Russian or Chinese services…

    That’s pretty good leverage.

    • Maybe, but at least this is an issue that most Americans can agree on. The extremist environmental groups are never going to be happy until the population is cut in half and we’re living in a pre-industrial revolution world.

    • He’s probably getting a campaign contribution from Musk. But I think mostly he enjoys making unelected bureaucrats sweat and tap dance around his questions.

    • He’s a Texas Senator who wants his state to prosper, and doesn’t like big government bureaucracy, THAT is why he’s trying to push past some of the red tape for SpaceX.
      He probably is a space enthusiast, many of us are.
      But as usual, government & fake environmentalists are getting in the way.

    • Yeah. Ted Cruz would love extra campaign cash and Bull Musk has a lot of it. Traditional values … pay for play values. Poor Ted. Trump did his usual BS nonsense on him, saying his wife is ugly and his Dad was involved in the JFK killing. Then Ted gave Trump the middle finger in his conference speech and the billionaire puppeteers pulled the plug on Ted’s campaign cash. The system err … sucks, and billionaires have vastly more influence than me. Elon is getting in on the action, and Ted can bend for a friend … bend for a donor. Ted needs to improve his donor fellating skills and it looks like he is improving. Go Ted.

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