Anger and Ridicule Should NOT Be Used Against LK99 Superconductors and Other Valid Science

Chinese researchers presented a pre-print paper in August that clainmed that cuprous sulfide (Cu2S) contamination explained effects from the bulk form of the Korean LK99 superconductor work.

This same research was reported by Nextbigfuture and now it has passed peer review and has been published in the journal Matter. The Chinese Academy of Sciences press release in November has added more aggressive language and claims that LK99 was a myth.

However, this STILL only addresses part of work around the science of LK99 room temperature superconductor claims.

The Chinese have the same claims against the bulk LK99 part of the Korean work, BUT the Koreans never claimed to measure superconducting resistance for the bulk form of the LK99 material.
The Koreans only claim near zero resistance that would qualify as superconducting resistance for the thin film form of LK99. 

If the Koreans or the US Navy funded group studying thin film LK99 cannot come up with something in a year or so then there may not have been anything there. The Bulk LK99 sulfur contamination paper does not cause more problems for the LK99 work.

The press releases are more angry and insulting with the shattered myth language. The ridicule and claims in the title of the press release for the Chinese work seeks to repeat the claim that LK99 science investigation is over. There seems to be a desire to make the public want to stop funding any work around LK99. Trillions of dollars are spent each year on scientific research and many billions are spent around analyzing and improving different kinds of superconducting materials.

I disagree with the behavior of the scientists for the LK99 situation and for science areas like molecular nanotechnology and cold fusion.

In regards to LK99 science still needs to investigate and resolve and possibly solve the thin film aspects and there is a lot of computational simulations that show this arrangement of atoms could lead to better superconductors.

I find it against the spirit of open scientific inquiry for scientists to try to use shame and ridicule to try to reduce funding, effort and choices in what other scientists choose to investigate.

For Artificial Intelligence, the shaming and overstated claims that neural networks were a dead end, greatly reduced the effort for decades in what has led to highly successful large language models.

4 thoughts on “Anger and Ridicule Should NOT Be Used Against LK99 Superconductors and Other Valid Science”

  1. Cold fusion is another word for fraud, but I am interested in it, and any articles you might write about it, I love HTSC but LK99 doesn’t seem to be it.

  2. I absolutely think that researchers who publish competing pre-prints, take short cuts and who refuse to allow independent verification and generally do science the wrong way should be discouraged. There’s a reason why the best findings are almost never released in a haphazard, sketchy way.

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