Hypersonic Missiles Vs Next Gen Satellites, Drones and Sensors

The US Space Force and military will spend $15-30 billion over the next 5 years to deploy next generation satellites, drones, ground sensors and other global systems to track and monitor and defeat hypersonic missiles.

Hypersonic missiles will go two to six times faster than regular missiles. Hypersonic missiles will move at 1.5 to six miles each second or 90 to 540 miles each minute. Detection and tracking systems will have to be globally upgraded for more range, coverage and resolution.

Budgets have been allocated and will increase to over $4 billion per year just for the new satellites.

A 127 page report analyzes the challenge of defending against hypersonic missiles and the next generation of systems that will be deployed to counter. This will be an evolving set of offensive and defensive capabilities.