US Fed Halts Interest Rates With Cuts Incoming 2024

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has halted interest rate increases.

The markets expect several cuts in 2024. The pricing expectations are four or five quarter rate cuts in 2024.

The expectations are for cuts to start around March to June.

Rate cuts are good for technology and growth stocks.

The concern is that rate cuts will not be fast enough or soon enough to avoid triggering a recession and other economic damage.

3 thoughts on “US Fed Halts Interest Rates With Cuts Incoming 2024”

  1. In order to help get the anointed one elected potus, Allah will ensure MBS will cut oil production next August in order to increase inflation including gas prices. God is Great.

  2. Meh. we’ll still have an ‘extended’ soft landing with many sectors crushed and many more under-employed but still sub-4% UnEmP. Various construction – crushed. Banks – crushed. Credit ratings and disposable income after tax, food, shelter, food – crushed.
    The Good Times won’t be back for awhile.

  3. Rate cuts are also good for deficit spending, not that this is a good thing. Next time we have to raise interest rates we can look forward to $2 trillion per year on debt servicing.

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