SpaceX Starfactory Will Make Hundreds of Starships by 2026

Joe Tegtmeyer spoke with Ellie in space about the SpaceX factory ramp. Joe has been a professional large project manager who has managed detailed management of large projects. He has been closely monitoring the construction and expansion of the Tesla Gigafactory in Austin.

Joe gives his projection of how he expects the SpaceX Starfactory to complete in 2025 and expand from there.

There are NASA Artemis requirements that drive SpaceX activities.

1 thought on “SpaceX Starfactory Will Make Hundreds of Starships by 2026”

  1. Elon promises something earth-shatteringly amazing in x years, misuses the phrase “I’m confident”

    2014 > “We will start construction of the first ship, second quarter of next year. In about six to nine months. I feel confident we can complete the first ship and be ready for a launch in five years. Two ships to Mars in 2022, locate water. Then in 2024 we want to fly four ships. Two crewed. And… what if you take that same ship and go from one place to another on Earth? New York to Shanghai, 39 minutes. Anywhere on Earth in under an hour.”

    Sadly I won’t be here in 2028 to celebrate Starship Ten Quadrillion, I’ll be on the first ship to Mars… *checks notes* this year?

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