Tesla Beat Deliveries With 484,000 in Q4

Tesla beat q4 deliveries with 484k. 1% over analysts who were at 480k. The other cars category is S, X, Semi and cybertruck. This has almost 5k more sold than produced. This means they sold inventory on the high end. This will mean about $100 million more for net income in Q4. This helps margin by about 0.5%. Note: corrected extra inventory sale impact.

If you read my About, you will see that I own shares of Tesla, SpaceX and many other mostly technology stocks. If you look on YouTube on my Nextbigfuture channel you can see that I am very positive about the future of Tesla and SpaceX. I also get interviewed by pro-Tesla YouTubers.

Apparently, some readers feel that a site that writes positively for thousands of articles and dozens of videos needs to tell everyone over and over again that they own Tesla shares.

I also like space, SpaceX, anti-aging, capitalism and babies.

I am pro-AI and Nvidia.

I believe in humanoid robot and self-replicating factories.

I am pro space colonization. Moon colonization and orbital, mars, asteroid and the rest of solar system, galaxy and universe.

3 thoughts on “Tesla Beat Deliveries With 484,000 in Q4”

  1. Tesla is getting heat up competition, BYD just beat them and honestly I’d doubt buying a tesla while you could get a mercedes with a way better finished product.
    Off course the milage on the tesla is better, but have you seen the difference in luxury & tbh, the self driving still bad, I do not believe in it for the coming years.

    • BYD has no access to North American Market.

      Model 3 with credits is only ~$33,000 in North America and is Full BEV, not PHEV. FSD 12.* is very good, TBH.

      Mercedes are crap cars, cost way too much to maintain. Cost way too much period. That’s why their market share in North America is minuscule.

      Tesla sells a ton of Model Y and Model 3, which are main-stream, not aimed at the luxury market.

      You are listening to the wrong people. TSLA is a technology company. They have integrated battery design, car platforms, fast roadside chargers, battery manufacturing, solar and wind storage, AI, and robotics – all of which feed off of each other. Only Korean car companies have a shot at matching Tesla, but they don’t qualify for North American tax credits, and are having a hard time ramping up their Korean factories. They do have great battery tech, though. BYD is good at cheap, low-margin car manufacturing, until Model 2 and other Asian manufacturers get cranking. (Not to mention nobody really wants to do business with China.)

      Come join us in the future. You’ll like it.

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