Tesla Beats BYD in Battery Electric Vehicle Sales in 2024

BYD sold 300,114 passenger BEVs in the first quarter of 2024, up 13.4 percent year-on-year but down 42.99 percent from the fourth quarter last year.

Tesla is expected to announce 405,000 to 430,000 sales deliveries for the first quarter of 2024.

Tesla was likely ahead of BED for the March, 2024 monthly sales. BYD sold 139,000 in March. This is likely very close to the level of Tesla global monthly unit sales. Tesla also had more sales in March. Both BYD and Tesla would have weak China sales in February with the Chinese new year.

3 thoughts on “Tesla Beats BYD in Battery Electric Vehicle Sales in 2024”

  1. BYD mostly sales their cars in China where Q1 sales are always very low because of the holidays, where tesla isn’t effected that much.
    Q2 will look much better for BYD vs Tesla.

  2. I will be surprised if media covers this angle when tesla announces results. They will focus entirely on tesla q1 being lower than q4.

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