Trading your time and attention for cryptocurrency

mytime is a decentralized blockchain platform with its own cryptocurrency — mytimecoin (MYTC). The number of services that require a human’s attention to operate is growing daily. However, our time is finite and will never be enough for all the activities which genuinely interest us. Our time is the most valuable thing we have. So …

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Blockchain software projects mostly Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple written in C++ and Go

The code for Bitcoin was published in April 2009. The number of projects on GitHub related to blockchain has grown significantly, averaging more than 8,600 new projects a year. In 2016 alone, there were almost 27,000 new cryptocurrency and blockchain projects. In 2010, organizations developed less than 1 percent of all projects. By 2017, their …

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AI, Automation, Digital Finance, Blockchain could boost global GDP growth by over 2% per year

Based on McKinsey scenario modeling, they estimate automation could raise productivity growth globally by 0.8 to 1.4 percent annually. * Deep learning could be worth $17 trillion. As deep learning advances, it should automate and improve technology, transportation, manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and more. Digital Finance could add 6% to world GDP by 2025 which would …

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Neuromation Critical part of AI ecosystem

Neuromation is building a critical component of the budding AI eco-system and plan to capitalize on the first-mover advantage: The Neuromation Platform provides an exchange and an ecosystem where participants can either contribute or purchase the components of an AI model. The Platform will use distributed computing along with blockchain proof of work tokens to …

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Understanding Initial Coin Offerings published a white paper with Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (LHoFT) called Understanding Initial Coin Offerings: Technology, Benefits, Risks, and Regulations. Companies have raised over $1.8 billion through ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) since January 2017. As organizations continue to raise tens, sometimes hundreds, of millions of dollars in each token sale, it grows increasingly …

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ICOs and VC investment in the blockchain

PitchBook has an update for Q3 2017 of ICOs and venture capital investment in the blockchain. * regulatory statements in China and the US have yet to temper market enthusiasm for the red-hot cryptocurrency and ICO market. Regulatory action against secondary exchanges in China may put short-term downward pressure on an overheated market, but will …

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Canada’s guidelines for cryptocurrencies and ICOs

The USA, Singapore and Canada regulators have all issued some warning and guidelines for cryptocurrency and fintech. They are in general regulating tokens similar to securities. On August 24, the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA), an organization composed of Canada’s provincial and territorial securities regulators, released Staff Notice 46-307 Cryptocurrency Offerings, which addresses how Canadian securities …

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Filecoin raises $257 million and will unlock unused storage in data centers

Blockchain data storage network Filecoin has officially completed its initial coin offering (ICO), raising more than $257 million over a month of activity. The internet is in the middle of a revolution: centralized proprietary services are being replaced with decentralized open ones; trusted parties replaced with verifiable computation; brittle location addresses replaced with resilient content …

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Bitcoin at around $4000 and Ethereum at $288

Coinbase the Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin exchange had a stock offering and raised $100 million with a $1.6 billion valuation. Coinbase exchanges about $25 billion worth of cryptocurrency. The Bitcoin market cap is around $65 billion, with the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem now being worth $140 billion. The South China Morning Post reports that some are …

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