Over 1300 New AI Tools Including Codeium and LeiaPix

Futuretools.io is keeping track of the new AI tools.


Codeium is a programming superpower that enables developers to quickly make changes to unfamiliar languages and codebases using natural language. It also helps minimize boilerplate coding, find and use APIs, and generate unit tests. It supports Python, CSS, JavaScript, Java, and Regex.


LeiaPix Converterenables instant conversion of 2D images into beautiful 3D Lightfield images. Export to Leia Image Format, Side-By-Side 3D, Depth Map, or Lightfield Animation. Upload an image to upgrade to Lightfield.

Leia offers the largest 3D ecosystem to date, showcased by 3D Apps specially designed and built for Lume Pad 2.

LeiaPix Key Features
With LeiaPix you can share your existing 3D content from LeiaPlayer or use LeiaCam to create a new 3D memory.
Share 3D to 2D devices, the AI instantly crafts a Depth Animation so anyone can see your 3D creations.

LeiaPix Tips!
Create your LeiaPix profile and account from the App or a web browser.
Upload images, then add a caption and hashtag.
View and like photos from other creators.

1 thought on “Over 1300 New AI Tools Including Codeium and LeiaPix”

  1. Relatively soon, any image, any book, any series, movie or story we want can be had just by whispering a desire for it. And this in any media, VR, AR or even in your sensorium. When the AIs finally enter the physical domain, a lot more jobs will be receding into superfluousness.

    But for the jobs part I’m not that concerned, given we are expert in inventing BS roles and social protocols to keep us busy and entertained, feeling useful.

    Makes me think the main contender for the big filter is AIs suffocating organic’s beings mental abilities and ambition, by eventually giving them everything they want. Akin to the depiction of Diaspar in Arthur C. Clarke’s “The City and the Stars”, but much earlier historically speaking.

    This can even destroy the desire of even going out into space, were some conditions to align in a short enough time period. For example, a true singularity with AGI-enabled SENS + automated work (so we don’t have to toil for feeding ourselves) + neuralink + generative AI worlds.

    There simply won’t be any reason to ever leave our virtual paradises, where everything makes sense and you are cared and appreciated, unlike the real world.

    Yeah, some weird people will still want it nonetheless, before any such desire is extinguished out of humanity, and that’s one of the few encouraging thoughts.

    The success of the clade of weird gypsies and nomads, still wanting to experience the universe harshness in real life, might be the key on deciding what’s out future.

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