Andrew McCalip LK99 Superconductor Replication Appears to Have Some Levitation #LK99

Andrew McCalip was one of the first to start on Twitter and Twitch with his LK99 replication effort. This video of the final product seems to be showing some success. It will be further analyzed.

UPDATE: Andrew McCalip and another representative of Varda (space manufacturing startup) spoke with Jason Calcanis.

10 thoughts on “Andrew McCalip LK99 Superconductor Replication Appears to Have Some Levitation #LK99”

  1. it is clear that someone has to assemble a couple hundred or thousand milligrams of good samples and make a compact. It’ll probably levitate well, but not superconduct through the macroscopic dimensions at room temperature due to discontinuous conducting path. This is all about grains and domains aligning – and that is currently impossible to get right.

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