Iris Alexander’s Better LK99 Results Could be Caused By Sulfur Contamination

Iris Alexander used construction grade phosphorous which is often contaminated with sulfur. Iris replicated what seems like a very good flake of LK99 that seems to show a strong Meissner effect. This could be because of Cu2S.

Many other replication attempts did not work.

4 thoughts on “Iris Alexander’s Better LK99 Results Could be Caused By Sulfur Contamination”

  1. We are seeing new “gold” rush. To make a superconductor is new alchemist dream. A lot of people had tried, only a few managed to reproduce something with partial levitation.

    We will have to wait for a few months, so more variety will be tried. Using gold and other elements to dope,… They should use liquid nitrogen to cool samples, which are partly levitating to see if levitation increases or not.

    • He said that when everyone thought Prigozhin was about take Moscow but that story had the least entertaining outcome out of all possible outcomes.

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