Sandy Munro Describes Tesla Technological Lead and Speed of Innovation

Sandy Munro takes apart all of the leading cars in the world and analyzes costs and technological from the materials and components. He describes in this interview how Tesla achieved dominance in all drivetrain and electrical efficiency in all aspects of electric cars that matter since the Model 3 six years ago.

This lead in technology and business cost and margin was extended by becoming a leader in single-piece casting.

2 thoughts on “Sandy Munro Describes Tesla Technological Lead and Speed of Innovation”

  1. My concern is sitting in a faraday cage on wheels being bombarded by electro-magnetic energy. What’s the health risk?

    • No know health risks. here have been claims that EM feels are dangerous. But no evidence has been found. Utility workers are exposed much higher levels that you would see in a car or a home. And there is no confirmed evidence of any health effects

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