Thin Film LK99 Process is Undescribed and Has the Only Claimed Room Temperature Superconducting Measurement

The original peer reviewed LK99 superconductor paper only briefly mentions the thin film work and measurements but this is the most important part as only the chemical vapor deposited thin film has the zero resistance superconducting measurement.

The original team has said they will produce a new peer reviewed by the end of August or September, 2023. This is the part which needs super detailed replicable description and measurements. The bulk material never had the near zero superconducting resistance claim.

It is very bad that the bulk material and the bulk partial levitation are meaningless but the important part is whether the thin film material has the claimed superconducting near zero resistance.

This has been pointed out by Nextbigfuture but is clearly described by @8teAPi on twitter.

– only peer reviewed paper
– submitted to Korean Crystal Growth Journal
– starts off with a dig at theoretical physicists 😂 in favor of inorganic chemists 😛 . Physcels could never
– 6 authors, Lee, Kim, Kwon, no Hyun Tak

Explains history

LK99 Korean Paper – April 18 2023

– only peer reviewed paper
– submitted to Korean Crystal Growth Journal
– 6 authors, Lee, Kim, Kwon, no Hyun Tak

Paper Covers Making LK99
– the paper states the simple heating/cooling sequence of 4 precursors to the final material
– how annoying, the paper jumps from making a lump to measuring a thin film… yup that’s right, they measure a concentrated, cleanedup, vapor deposited product.. while disclosing how to make a dirty low conc chunk
– all their measurements show superconductivity in THIN FILM

– 1999 -> Lee and Kim find a recipe that produces a blip when they measure magnetic properties using a super sensitive sensor, the SQUID. They do not make enough of the material to isolate the structure
– 2017 -> Repeat the experiments. They find a tiny bit with funky magnetic properties. Some measurements but concentration is still too low to make any progress
– 2019 -> they identify the likely material
– 2021 -> they isolate the substance and perform structural analysis and file a patent
2022 ? undescribed thin film work

5 thoughts on “Thin Film LK99 Process is Undescribed and Has the Only Claimed Room Temperature Superconducting Measurement”

  1. Its not a peer reviewed. They refused to give all the info in less they got published before it got actually properly peer reviewed.

  2. Good point. If you check their PCT patent application (WO2023027537A1 in Korean) , they clearly said that two manufacturing methods. In page 11 [130] they described about vapor deposition method. In page 12 [132] they described about ingot type method. As said in page 12 [135] all electrical resistance measurements were done on sample made by vapor deposition. And all other characteristics like XRD, EPR, Heat capacity, … seemed to be done on ingot sample.

  3. It was obvious to me from a previous posting here that if LK99 was real, that it was useful only as a thin-film material, being that it was a nano-structured material. It would be used in semiconductors and what not. It could not be synthesized with superconducting properties as a bulk material.

  4. It’s great that this process is bringing to light that none of the people publishing actually care if their research is rigorous or unambiguously reproducible, which makes research funding a black hole mainly meant to enrich institutions rather the goal of the funding. In the end of it amounts to something tangible and practical, then they license the technology to someone capable of applying it and that’s who gets the pertinent information needed to actually reproduce the results.

  5. For a world- changing room temp super conductor, the named journal and quality of manuscript certainly doesn’t inspire confidence.

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