Contract China to Rebuild a New Safe Gaza

China has made thousands of high density high rise living areas. It is the main form of housing in modern China, Hong Kong and Singapore and many other asian countries. There is no talk of inhumane living conditions in Manhattan or for the Asian high rise developments. There can be very comfortable population density of 400,000 people per square miles. Six to eight square miles out of the 141 square miles of Gaza can be rebuilt with China high rises. China real estate developers are currently under used because of a real estate crash in China.

There are many in Gaza living in refugee camps. They along with everyone else after this current war would be moved into the New high rise housing development. There is over billion of dollars given each year from Europe, US and Aide agencies to Gaza.

All other existing buildings that are not leveled in the war will be dismantled after the new high rise is built. Underground barriers to a depth of over 400 feet will be built. Tunneling out would require new tunnels that would be miles long and complete close circuit camera monitoring of everything within 5 stories of ground level.

All money for reconstruction and aid would be funneled through the China contractors. All heavy construction equipment would only be operated by the international contractors.

All new construction or modifications would be passed to the UN and then to China contractors or international contractors.

Graymirror described a proposal for high rise housing for Gaza and also described how the world has a warped view of global conflicts.

23 thoughts on “Contract China to Rebuild a New Safe Gaza”

  1. China could welcome every single Palestinian into one of its empty cities, and they would make no more than a rounding error to the overall population. Australia could cut off small parts of its northern territories and offer the land to both Israel and the Palestinians as a Site B.

    And as for the articles about mass immigration to Canada that Brian often publishes….. It would keep the Quebecois in their place anyway.

  2. Buddy – have you watched the Video published on You Tube for 10 SqM Apartments in China? No, not a place I would choose to live, given a choice. Pretty much right out of some raging sci fi movie.

  3. This is a bad idea. Go to Youtube and type this into the search box: tofu dreg. The videos will speak for themselves.

    • Just watched an hour of that. Unbelievable. All of that construction is toast in a minor earthquake or high winds.

  4. How about this as a solution to the Fermi Paradox…

    As a cautionary tale, told across all galaxies and dimensions, Earth shows how horrible Individual Organics behave, absent the benevolent rule of The Supreme AI.

  5. Yes, lets have the people in Gaza enjoy all the benefits of tofu dreg construction. The Israeli’s will not have to bomb anything. The buildings will fall down their own after a few years. Assuming the contractor can even finish them before going bankrupt.

  6. The hellhole would then drop one hell level down, Brett. Kuwait threw out 200k of them; they put Lebanon on the road to ruin, they tried to take over Jordan and lost 10k+. The problem with Palestinians is that they were fabricated in 1964 by the Soviets and Nasser to deny the actual indigenous people (primarily Jews, but also Aramean Christians, Druse and the few surviving Samaritans) the right to self-determine creating a counter claim overnight. Prior to that they were bonafide Egyptians and Syrians/Jordanians.. They were not originally all bad people I’m sure, last polling shows 56% or so voting for Hamas in Gaza, but they are so thoroughly brainwashed, and fractured, and given support externally that they are the most irredentist group of people on this planet. They don’t want any sort of coexistence. They just want to genocide the Israelis or go out in a pyre trying.

    • “His Majesty’s Government view(s) with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

      Balfour Declaration, Nov. 2, 1917

        • [ yes, but how do You define ‘west is implicated’ within a century’s duration of interaction/influence?
          There’s (e.g.) a ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ (Eleonor Roosevelt, 1948), ‘ Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (1411H islamic calendar, 1990), ‘League of Nations ‘ (1920), Founding of ‘United Nations’ (1945) in between then and now and also ‘ United Nations Millennium Declaration’ (2000/2005), ‘Millenium Development Goals’ (2015, based on OECD DAC), being examples for progressive social advances. ]

  7. Trust. That is the real issue. You say ‘Gaza’ can’t be trusted – but IMHO its really HAMAS/IRAN who can’t be trusted. Obviously Hamas must be destroyed and the Gazans must be freed from their control. Then, perhaps, a framework could be made where the ‘Gazans’ could be allowed access to the resources they need to create a decent standard of living, governed by politicians not controlled by other countries. A pipedream certainly, but this is what I believe the majority of the people of Gaza would support. Unfortunately the Militants like Hamas, and their corresponding Zealots in Israel who demand 10x Retribution are in control of the situation. And the rest of the world seems to only see the point of view of one of those two groups. Its the normal people who don’t give a damn which ‘side’ is right that suffer.

  8. I think the Chinese could do an excellent job rebuilding the Gaza strip. However….they would need a guarantee of unrestricted access to building equipment and material, and free travel for all workers. As well a consistent supply of water and electricity. If the people of Gaza had this, they could rebuild the city themselves.

    • Gaza cannot be trusted to rebuild. All construction needs to be done by China or international contractors. No heavy equipment for them. All the money is coming from Europe and US, don’t give money only build the peaceful construction

      • Who will decide on what gets built?

        How large of a Chinese military force would be deployed to the Gaza Strip and off-shore waters to protect the crew and equipment?

        Will those people of Gaza (enevitably) opposed to so massive a Chinese presence on their sacred soil be tried and punished by the Chinese military, or…?

        How does China deal with opponents in China?

  9. It would be enormously cheaper to just vacate Gaza and just pay some hellhole in Africa to take the people.

    • That — unsurprisingly — was my first thought. Gaza is the poster child for ‘this is what endless international “aid” produces after ¾ of a century’. Wicked overpopulation for the limited area. Little to no meaningful self-sufficiency. Endless graft. Absurd poverty. Disaffected youth, harnessed by the likes of Islamic Jïhad to nefarious ends.

      Depopulate by deportation?

      Might actually be THE most humane route to ‘handle’ the problem. Might. really hard to sell though. So easy to label with Genocide or Ethnic Cleansing or other euphemisms. Yet and still, even though I am constantly enjoined to debate the righteous sounding ‘2 state solution’, I find that a straight dividisero may well be the best approach.

      I know I’ll be dissed for it. Still … … …

      • Instead of ethnic cleansing, how about a big next future?

        (I’m in free-fall, dreaming of parachutes)

        China and Holland combine their respective skills in building land where once was seawater only.

        Part the waters, and raise up a New Palestine from the Med.

        Ridiculous, I know, but technically feasible.

        And, not a crime against humanity.

        (unbraced for impact)

        • [ ‘Palestine (sand and dunes, mountains washed to the sea?) a leading manufacturer of solar panels’.
          What would international (main stream) mass media output be like?
          Would we buy (or sold?) these products, if suitable? ]

    • Problem is, no Arab country wants them. Jordan took in Palestinians first in 1948, they multiplied – there is the example of high fertility that Brian keeps demanding! Now, there are more Palestinians in Jordan than Jordanians. They are still in the world’s oldest refugee camps, still not allowed to work in Jordan, and Jordan doesn’t want any more of them. Egypt similarly has kept its Rafah gate closed during the present war; they regard Hamas as an extension to the Muslim Brotherhood, which is an existential threat to the ruling class in Egypt.
      Saudi Arabia talks a good game but never imports any Palestinians and is pretty hellish on its own natives when they get in the way of their grand ambitions like The Line.
      Short of carefully vetted exceptions, no one wants Palestinians from Gaza.
      Hamas has to be exterminated before any rebuilding can commence. Their multi-billion dollar holding have to be repatriated by an honest government that comes next, which will be a very tall order.
      China could help rebuild, but America is almost in a cold war against China lately, so it’s hard to see America allowing that and without America, Israel probably won’t either.

    • If we’re willing to be a bit more patient, we could spend about 20 years moving every married couple with young children out of Gaza. Married couples with kids are more likely to be good citizens of wherever they’re moved, and Gaza’s population immediately ceases growing and slowly declines.

      Since about half the population is under 20, we’d only move families with kids under 10, that’d be about a quarter of the population, plus their parents. Assume by the time the oldest child is 10, those families have mostly had all 4 of their (statistically average) kids. So about 3/8ths of the population needs to be moved over 10 years – about 900K people, 150K families, or 90K people and 15K families per year. Around 300 people / 50 families a day.

      Then keep doing it another 10 years for the new young families that came along in that time. After that, there are few young people left to get married and have kids – they’re all living elsewhere, hopefully not building rockets out of water pipes in tunnels under their new homes.

      Maybe $2B in construction costs a year to house them, which adds to the economies of the places they’re moved to. Would need to phase out the subsidy after 20 years are up.

      Seems doable, technically. But Hamas certainly isn’t going to cooperate with moving out their human shields.

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