Fish & Wildlife Service Overseeing SpaceX Concrete Debris Cleanup

SpaceX is cleaning up the concrete debris from the inaugural Starship launch! Personnel from the Fish & Wildlife Service and Texas Parks have been spotted onsite, likely overseeing the process.

Felix Schlang and John Cargile of What About It report this information and provide photos.

Fish & Wildlife approval is main obstacle to SpaceX getting FAA approval for a second orbital launch attempt.

7 thoughts on “Fish & Wildlife Service Overseeing SpaceX Concrete Debris Cleanup”

  1. Space X is dealing with politics. I think some of Elon Musk enemies include people like Jeff Bezos and Tori Bruno. They both share Congressional Allies and Even THE White House. It is a well known fact that President Joe Biden is not Fond of Elon Musk. And certain members of Congress who have large NASA public workforces in their districts. They fear a rapi Starship Development will kill jobs in their districts… So the US Fish and Wildlife is taking their sweet time.

  2. Just think if the FAA regulated air travel the way NASA regulates space flight. Then…. FAA would be the only airline and only highly qualified people could fly, Military, pilots, scientists, rich people, polititains and etc. People would be scared of flying and our .gov would promote fear of flying and “if god meant us to fly he would have giving us wings” type thinking.
    They would keep everything expensive and need public money all the time as they search for answers to make flight cheaper and safer. Maybe someday the public will be able to fly they would preach. But little avail.
    The control freaks at the administrative state need to go take a long walk on a short pier.

  3. I’m guessing Musk is really regretting not founding SpaceX in some politically stable and sane country, like maybe Panama.

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