Buzz Aldrin Versus Moon Conspiracy Grifters

There is a video of the 2002 situation where a moon conspiracy grifter harassed Buzz Aldrin when Buzz was 72. Buzz Aldrin is the second man to walk on the moon.

Buzz is walking outside a Beverly Hills hotel when a conspiracy theorist starts harassing him and accusing Aldrin of lying about the Apollo 11 moon landing. Incensed, Aldrin punches his heckler in the face.

“You’re the one who said you walked on the moon when you didn’t,” Bart Sibrel told Aldrin as he walked by his filming crew outside the Luxe Hotel. “Calling a kettle black …”

Will you get away from me?” an irate Aldrin warned the man in the incident caught on video.

Sibrel responded, “You’re a coward and a liar and a … ”

Aldrin, then 72, socked Sibrel in the jaw, right when he finished the sentence with “thief.”

Sibrel tried to press assault charges but the court eventually threw the case out, citing Sibrel as the instigator.

Aldrin had been lured to the hotel with a fake story that there was to be an interview for a children’s TV show.

3 thoughts on “Buzz Aldrin Versus Moon Conspiracy Grifters”

      • My purple heart war vet uncle from the same generation socked someone in the face for some profane behavior on a cruise ship in the ’90s. Anybody younger would have been punished for felonious behavior.

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