Video With Superconducting Level Measurement for LK99 With Sulfur Room Temperature Material

Sukbae Lee had a presentation yesterday of the progress made by the original LK99 team towards room temperature and room pressure team superconductors.

As mentioned yesterday, they have a video detecting zero (superconducting low levels) of electrical resistance.

Sukbae also said:
There are still instabilities and other issues to be worked through. This means it is not working reliably yet.
There are currently limitations around a narrow range of magnetic fields.

A few months ago they did show this level of superconducting resistance reading for thin film.

More of Yesterdays Highlights
The class of room temperature and room pressure superconductors is real.
He and other researchers have formed a corporation and the success of the company and its patents is the priority.
IBM is the first company to start discussions. Nextbigfuture believes there are other companies.
Sukbae Lee believes China groups have successfully reproduced the sample.
Sukbae Lee and his team are confident
APL materials review process : Ongoing
Patent registration: Ongoing
Why no samples and data? -> We are a corporation. Patent.
We are going to be proved by other researchers

1 thought on “Video With Superconducting Level Measurement for LK99 With Sulfur Room Temperature Material”

  1. “they have a video”
    This is like the cold fusion scam “waiting on patents and corporate trade secrets”.
    IF they had any SOLID evidence they would send the sample to the most reputable labs in the world to confirm it.
    Remember when everyone was waiting for “just 2 more weeks” until a paper, a sample, a major talk by distinguished professors, etc. is made available to PROVE to everyone that it is real.
    Still not able to provide a sample.
    The scam alarm is ringing VERY loudly!

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