Silicon Valley Companies Leaving Delaware

As of January 2024, Silicon Valley has over 40,000 startups. The San Francisco Bay Area, also known as Silicon Valley, has the largest concentration of high-tech companies in the United States.

Delaware has about 60% of the incorporations for companies in the USA and the fees associated with this provide about 12% of their tax base. If most of the Venture backed firms and the companies planning to be venture backed leave Delaware this could be in the 25-50% range.

This is not political. It is business. Delaware was chosen as a jurisdiction that business could trust. They were previously determined to be predictable and non-interventionist.

There is clear evidence that this is happening and happening quickly based upon online conversations.

3 thoughts on “Silicon Valley Companies Leaving Delaware”

  1. Why would any state allow another to be a relative tax haven? The favorable business climate to incorporate in Delaware seems like an imbalance or a gradient that should have inspired competition among other states.

    • Because it’s illegal to interrupt interstate commerce, people (and corporations are people under the law) have freedom to travel.

      They have the right to move to any state the wish.

      If state chooses to be uncompetitive, wasteful & corrupt, that’s their problem.

  2. Political appointees and unelected bureaucrats…

    Of both parties…

    I don’t care what you believe: left, right, center, leftist, libertarian, statist…

    Make sure you keep track of who your elected officials are appointing to seats of power, especially if their is no legal recourse for holding them accountable…

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