Who wins AI? How do they Make Money? Will Voice Be the Main Interaction to AI?

Microsoft is doing very well by buying OpenAI. OpenAI is making money now. AI Models are becoming commoditized. In the long run, there seems to be a race to the bottom on pricing. Open Source AI models like Meta could be used to become the Platform. All of the development happens on your platform. If a company controls the AI platform then they could derive value and income indirectly from services and other use cases.

The discussion on the future of AI was with Matthew Berman and Herbert Ong. They discussed Who wins AI? How do they Make Money? Will Voice be the Main Interaction to AI?

Looking at the AI stack and the different places where value is created.

On the bottom is the chips and there is a lot of money being made there.
Above that is infrastructure, inference providers, agent frameworks, LLM evaluation tools, and everything you need as a builder to put out the best product.
Above that is the models themselves, which Mattew sees as being commoditized.
The app layer is above the models.

Infrastructure and app layer is where Matthew Berman is looking for value creation.

Will voice be the main interaction model for AI? You could talk to all of your devices. You could talk with your car or your robot but with conversation and understanding.

4 thoughts on “Who wins AI? How do they Make Money? Will Voice Be the Main Interaction to AI?”

  1. While voice will be the dominant means to interact with AI today, the other interface already under development will be a brain to computer link. This connection seems to be inevitable. This is where I see it heading:

    After some kind of technological singularity, “artificial” and biological intelligence will both advance rapidly and likely will merge and become indistinguishable from each other. This is what we are working on already so imagine what will be going on 1000 years from now. The advantageous trait inherited from AI is the ability to be copied at will and the ability to be transmitted between suitable supporting hardware. Advanced beings would have these capabilities and so therefore could travel at the speed of light to multiple places simultaneously. The problem is a being will need a host of some sort to be transmitted to. It may be the only way to handle this would be to physically move the host to the location wanted. Of course, being immortal, the beings would have plenty of time to wait for such a delivery.

    When all this is accomplished, beings can move around between locations, stay awhile using one host, and then move on to another place at the speed of light. One useful type of host would be one that could fly around and help support whatever reason the being has for interstellar travel. This flying host would look like a UFO to us. In this case the UFO is the alien. We will not find beings inside. It seems unlikely a host would be left intact if something happened to one since the occupant will be long gone.
    This concept basically is like a rental car pool for interstellar light speed travelers. I have no idea why they would want to contact us.

  2. It’ll be one wild and joyful techbro pyramid scheme after another!

    That is, until your toaster starts chanting “ph’nglui mglw’nafh cthulhu r’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn” at the equinox.

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