US Supercomputer Chip ban delayed China’s 100 petaFLOP computer by 8 months and contributed to Intel laying off 12,000 employees

In April 2015, the US government refused to let Intel help China update the world’s biggest supercomputer. The Tianhe-2 used 80,000 Intel Xeon chips to generate a computational capacity of more than 33 petaflops. In 2015, the Chinese machine was due to undergo a series of upgrades to boost its number-crunching abilities past 110 petaflops. …

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Robots having a steam engine like effect on productivity but are NOT killing jobs overall so far

Despite ubiquitous discussions of robots’ potential impact, there is almost no systematic empirical evidence on their economic effects. Researchers analyzed for the first time the economic impact of industrial robots, using new data on a panel of industries in 17 countries from 1993-2007. We find that industrial robots increased both labor productivity and value added. …

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AI 2.0 is Coming in 2018

Several AI Marketplaces will launch in 2018 and will do for AI what Web 2.0 did for the Internet. Standards-based integration will launch AI 2.0. Costs will drop and development times will shrink. SingularityNET, AT&T and others are creating AI marketplaces in 2018 that will speed up AI development. AI projects and businesses will be …

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