ChatGPT Passes 100 Million Users and Launches ChatGPT Plus for $20 Per Month

OpenAI has launched a pilot subscription plan for ChatGPT. It is called ChapGPT plus. It is a conversational AI that can chat with you, answer follow-up questions, and challenge incorrect assumptions.

ChatGPT has hit an estimated 100 million monthly active users making it the fastest-growing consumer internet application in history according to a UBS study. UBS analysts peg its total addressable market to be $1 trillion. It took ChatGPT a mere two months from launch to reach 100 million. This is the fastest-growing consumer application in history according to a UBS investment bank research note. TikTok took nine months to reach 100 million monthly users, and Instagram about 2.5 years, according to UBS researcher Lloyd Walmsley. UBS used Similar Web data. They recorded 13 million unique visitors used ChatGPT every day in January.

Microsoft invested $10 billion in OpenAI. For $7 a month, Microsoft Teams Premium video chat offers an “intelligent recap” of meeting notes with personalized highlights and action items. This new Microsoft product is leveraging ChatGPT.

Google has invested $300 million for a 10% stake in San Francisco-based generative AI startup Anthropic, a company founded in 2021 by OpenAI researchers with an intelligent chatbot by the name of Claude.

The new subscription plan, ChatGPT Plus, will be available for $20/month, and subscribers will receive a number of benefits:

* General access to ChatGPT, even during peak times
* Faster response times
* Priority access to new features and improvements

ChatGPT Plus is available to customers in the United States.

They will be launching the ChatGPT API. OpenAIexploring options for lower-cost plans, business plans, and data packs for more availability.

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5 thoughts on “ChatGPT Passes 100 Million Users and Launches ChatGPT Plus for $20 Per Month”

  1. Cognitive Automation, the automation of routine thought. Enabled by the internet which crossed its Rubicon 30 years earlier, following electronics 60 years earlier, following the industrial revolution (automation of routine physical labor) 120 years earlier, following the printing press 240 years earlier, and so one, all the way back to agriculture, fire, stone tools, etc.

    Can’t wait to see what might be coming in 2038 . . . and 2045, and 2049, and 2051, and 2052, and 2053, and 2053, and 2053, and 2053 . . .

    • You are right. These AI systems could never emerge without the huge amassed knowledge, floating somewhere on the Internet, therefore are direct result of it.

      The amount of documents and topics used for training these systems dwarfs any library.

  2. The problem with ChatGpt is very similar to the one with self driving cars. Chat GPT can generate “verbal diarrhea”. The problem is that it is very plausible and good sounding. So you need a very qualified human to verify it. Self driving cars need human observers to oversee and take over. Both of those are quite hard and often it is easier to do the original task by the human then hunt for subtle bugs injected by a schizophrenic mind. The big difference is that generative AI is already good enough to use and it will be used . Now all the testing (academic and professional alike) will need to be rethought. Before just by “scanning” a work generated by a human you could get an idea of their qualifications. Now this is not an option. In a way we are already in a singularity . Suddenly all the knowledge qualifications have to be replaced with deep comprehension tests.
    And sadly, we will be inundated with garbage yet plausible content. And for now we are left with no good comprehension AI. The moment it is there we might be obsolete.

    And for art and literature we cannot distinguish between product of an AI vs meatbag. It is a narrow turing test was passed and left the humans in the dust. Will we continue valuing good books, movies and pictures if they are written/created by an AI. Do we value chess prowess as proxy indication of high intelligence? What about all the STEM knowledge which is quite easily formalizable?

    We do leave in very interesting times.

    • I imagine they will have to do a long process of pruning the obvious wrong answers and fabulisms, after they are found and reported.

      They won’t get all of them, given there will always be topics no one cares about and seldom get in the prompts.

      As time passes, they will amass a body of prompts that are known to misbehave, and that could be applied to any upcoming ones. But the products themselves will always be open for improvements.

  3. Having an AI listening and summarizing the meeting talk would be a killer app. If the confidentiality problems are worked out. Not that hard, given lots of companies manage their internal confidential documents in Microsoft’s cloud already.

    They could even create the tickets and/or tasks emerging from the meeting, and recall you of their delivery. Kind of automating the project manager/scrum master ‘s job.

    In general, I can see companies starting giving more access to these conversational AIs into their business process tools and data, to obtain live reports and status of any aspect of interest.

    They could also tattle on everyone’s performance, just by tracking the visible output on the business management tools (e.g. amount of tickets/tasks closed), with plenty of evidence.

    In a sense, they could have complete awareness of the business and of the employees work, and be the perfect merciless middle manager.

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