SpaceX Starship Better for Giant Stations Than Old Shuttle Tank Station Concepts

There was a lot of designs for Space stations created in the 1980s when space enthusiasts hoped to carry the Shuttles External fuel tanks into space.

There were issues about making the large volumes habitable. A crewed SpaceX Starship will start off as a human habitable building block.

The old shuttle ET (external tank) designs imagined magnetically coupling the units end to end or side to side.

Above is a 14 tank station design. Twelve around the outside and two in the center

Spacex is improving the Raptor engines and could enable 300 tons of payload in each non-usable launch.

More powerful Raptor engines would enable SpaceX to send up Starships that were longer and had more internal volume.

5 thoughts on “SpaceX Starship Better for Giant Stations Than Old Shuttle Tank Station Concepts”

  1. You have to have a longer axel and supporting spokes attached to the ends and expansion structures/joints. Why?

    Consider structural stress when changing orbit to quickly to avoid wayward satellites or debris. Then there’s the harmonic wobble. The stresses as well as the strain on the spokes. The spokes resemble levers magnifying forces like torque or angular momentum. The constantly changing length of all the parts due to temperature changes.

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