96.9% Correct Predictions in 2023

Nextbigfuture is a top 1% predictor at the public prediction site Metaculus. My overall rank is 45 out of over 5000 forecasters and ranked 31st based on predictions resolved in the past 12 months. Only 8 predictions out of 256 were wrong for predictions resolved in 2023.

248 correct out of 256 predictions resolved in 2023 is a 96.9% correct prediction rate.
435 correct out of 455 predictions resolved since Jan 1 2022 is a 95.6% correct prediction rate.

A Brier score above 0.25 is an incorrect prediction. Lower brier scores are better.

Nextbigfuture’s overall brier score is 0.071. The Metaculus site brier score is 0.080.

8 thoughts on “96.9% Correct Predictions in 2023”

  1. Congratulations Brian ! There has been little news regarding progress of quantum computers partly due to difficulties with error correction as the number of q bits increases. Do you think we are in the “quantum winter” and what is your prediction as to when we will reach the real quantum supremacy?

  2. Congrats Brian on the accuracy of your predictions…would you care to give odds on David Sinclair’s “Ave Reversal Pill Coming Soon?


    “Dr. David Sinclair’s groundbreaking research indicates a pill capable of reversing aging at a cellular level is possible and that even a high school student could make it in their kitchen.”

    “Rejuvenating Cells Using A New Small Molecule Approach
    Small molecule alternative to Yamanaka factors may be a safer way to partially reprogram aged cells.”


    I believe that in the posted YouTube video he (Sinclair) thinks the pill could be ready for prime time (people) in a decade give or take.

  3. Hmm… Love your site Brian, but at least when it comes to Tesla, you are grossly over optimistic. You routinely predict growth in car production that is simply unrealistic and has been proven so on numerous occasions. Now you Jane also added that the Tesla bot will be mass produced in 2024. I want you to be right, but I think you are over optimistic again…

    It is not as easy to check the quality of your other predictions…

  4. What predictions did you make again that all came trough, maybe a little extra with the article about this? Congrats anyway!

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