Anthropic Claude 3 is Sometimes Better than OpenAI GPT4 Turbo

The various Claude 3 models are ranking very closely to the OpenAI GPT 4 AI models.


Claude is able to understand images. I uploaded the picture of a SpaceX Starship refueling in space.

Claude Sonnet described its understanding as follows.

The image depicts two futuristic-looking spacecraft or rockets in space, seemingly in orbit around the Earth. The main visual elements are:

Two elongated, sleek rocket/spacecraft designs with pointed noses and fin-like wings or stabilizers towards the rear.
The spacecraft have a metallic, silver/gray appearance with geometric patterns along their bodies.
The background shows the curvature of the Earth’s horizon, with the blue atmosphere contrasting against the blackness of space.
Light appears to be reflecting off the metallic surfaces of the spacecraft, creating a stylized, almost artistic rendering.
The image seems to depict a conceptual or imaginative vision of advanced space vehicles orbiting Earth, portrayed in a visually striking and futuristic manner against the backdrop of the planet and the vastness of space.


It has problems uploading and extracting text from some pdf papers. ChatPDF is better for that use case.

Other Reviews

Claude Pro for Access to Claude 3 Opus Costs $20 Per Month

Claude is exceptional at ideation.

In order to get the most value out of Claude Pro:

Start a new conversation via the “AI” icon in the top left corner when you want to discuss a new topic. Claude needs to re-read the entire conversation every time you send a message, so starting a new conversation will limit the amount of work Claude needs to do to continue the conversation. Bonus: Claude will also respond faster to shorter conversations.

Ask multiple questions at once, especially if you are asking Claude questions about a long document. Because Claude needs to re-read the conversation each time you send a new message, asking questions in individual messages would use up your limit faster than a single message with multiple questions in it.

Don’t re-upload files. Claude sees the entire context from your conversation, so you don’t need to upload the same file multiple times (unless you start a new conversation).

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