Anthropic Claude 3 is Sometimes Better than OpenAI GPT4 Turbo

The various Claude 3 models are ranking very closely to the OpenAI GPT 4 AI models. Claude is able to understand images. I uploaded the picture of a SpaceX Starship refueling in space. Claude Sonnet described its understanding as follows. The image depicts two futuristic-looking spacecraft or rockets in space, seemingly in orbit around the …

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Figure AI Bot Demo – Understands Speech, Sees and Uses Objects

Figure AI humanoid bot responds to questions about what it sees and correctly identifies an apple on plate, dishes and the person. The humanoid bot then acts to use those objects to perform a request. This showed basic reasoning capability. Figure AI was recently funded with $675 million by Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Microsoft, OpenAI, …

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Samsung, SK Hynix and Micron Battle for HBM3e AI Memory

High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) is a type of DRAM technology that offers a number of advantages: Lower voltages – HBM is designed to operate at lower voltages, which means it generates less heat. Higher capacity – HBM can store more data and process it at once than previous generations. Faster training times – HBM3 Gen2 …

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Google Gemini Will Integrate AI into Google Apps and Is Good At Science

Google just revealed Gemini and will directly integrate the AI into Google apps. The GPT-4 competitor comes in 3 models — Ultra, Pro, and Nano. Gemini is multimodal and can recognize images and speak in real-time. With a score of 90%, Gemini Ultra is the FIRST AI model to outperform human experts on the MMLU …

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