Muscle Gene Therapy that is Effective as Well as Safe

Gene Therapy volunteers were evaluated at set intervals through 180 days, and therapy effectiveness was measured by assessing alpha-SG protein expression in the muscle, which was four to five times higher than in the muscles that received only the saline [placebo]. The volunteers encountered no adverse health events, and the transferred genes continued to produce …

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Direct Conversion of Nuclear Power to Electricity and Powerplant Efficiency Review

A method which eliminates the radiation damage problem is a Two-Step Photon Intermediate Direct Energy Conversion (PIDEC) method that uses the efficient generation of photons from the interaction of particulate radiation with fluorescer media. The photons are then transported to wide band-gap photovoltaic cells where electrical current is generated. PIDEC holds the promise of 40% …

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Elite individual power : who has it and what does it take ?

Many people who discess the enlightenment and social discuss the power of the masses versus the power of the lite. The supporters of the Enlightenment do not want “the elite” to roll back society to a more fuedal looking power structure. Who are the elite and where does real power reside ? Newsweek has a …

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