Ukraine Hit Crimean Bases and Airfields With 100 Drones and 24 Missiles

Ukraine shot 100 drones and 24 Storm shadow with Russia’s Crimean base targets, ships and airplanes. It is being reported that Russia had to move its navy ships and planes from Crimea.

About 25% of the drones and a dozen of the storm shadow missiles got through to hit targets and the rest were intercepted.

Russia responded with many missiles launched at Ukrainian cities and infrastructure. Ukraine’s air defenses downed 36 out of the 43 missiles Russian launched, including Kh-101/Kh-555/Kh-55 cruise missiles and S-300 missiles.

Drones are being used to exhaust and distract air defenses.

17 thoughts on “Ukraine Hit Crimean Bases and Airfields With 100 Drones and 24 Missiles”

  1. Putrin is cruel and heartless. He thought he could just walk over Ukraine and dangle it to the West as his trophy. He has nurtured this ambition for years and eventually led Rissians into a senslessly terrible war, committing war crimes in gargantuan proportions.The world needs to stop him in his deadly tracks. He is of no use to humanity.

  2. Putin thought he’d do another long weekend land grab like he did in 2014, he guessed wrong. Ukraine didn’t want to fold, About 53 other countries across the world thought that Russia was wrong and Ukraine needed a helping hand. Putin/Russia/Oligarchs can end this any day they want…leave, go back home. Then Putin dropped his “vision board” and made it clear he has no plans on stopping with Ukraine. Remember when the school yard bully got away with it everyday, then all the kids decided to put up a fight and end it. Russia will pay for Putin’s miscalculations for generations. It will not walk away from this victorious. He hung an Albatros around his peoples neck that will take decades to rot away. He rolled 250k troops into Ukraine…no one else did. They have earned everything they have got sent their way. And everything that is still on it’s way. Putin played a game of ” Fu-k around and find out” and he lost.

  3. Russians were exporting communism and using ideology to control other countries and spread their influence. Tens of millions died because communism. Even if the country was called Soviet Union, the orders came from Moscow.

    If Ukrainians would not fight, then Russia would annex their country and what would happen next? Ukrainians would be mobilized and forced to fight for Russia, which would invade even more countries. They need to fight and need weapons. If Afghan war costed 2 trillion dollars, tens of billions to Ukraine, which is fighting the old enemy of west and democracy- Russia is not a lot.

  4. The problem is that the Russians are the ‘sulky bully’ (even worse than the sore loser). They see the Ukranian invasion as an existential threat to its character as a major world power, the significant human culture, and its values of last-centur(ies) macho-feudal-imperialism. Like the consistently angry everything-ist (race, gender, age…) wacko at the local nursing home who rants and kicks and proselytizes. All non-sensical claims that will do nothing but lead to further nonsense — and the growing lies that will take increasing effort to cover up. They do no care how many ships, troops, generals, air bases, etc., etc., they lose, they will continue to exert influence in anyway they can on Ukraine – starting from a quick capital invasion -to- a slow land grab with terror bombing -to- a slower coastal land occupation with utility bombing and UE-citizen filtering -to- salting-the-land with endless defensive infrastructure (pretty much neutralizing econmic value) & destroying trade and commerce… they care not to acquire Ukraine as a functional country (bring it back in the fold) as much as to assimilate and culturo-geno-cide it as a signal to others and to a lesser degree enjoy its coastal advantages further to its larger aims. There is no reason to believe that such values are limited to Putin or his inner circle or the older generation, etc., etc. There is no retreat or formal ‘re-do’ to 2014 borders and cerainly not to earlier boundaries. Until the influence and fetid stench of Russo-cultural values can be placed firmly behind early 2000s borders can the world move onto more pressing issues like energy transformations, building wealth and opportunity, and modernization of the bottom 90% of humanity.

    • Sure. And that is why Ukrainian resistance is futile. All the Ukrainians dead for no gain. The smart ones left or didn’t resist. One should hide, given the chance, when those “above our paygrade” lurch into destructive wars instead of getting along, along a long border.

      • No, that’s why surrender is not an option and never will be. The Ukrainians are well aware of the systematic use of rape, torture and murder in russian occupied areas and see it everywhere they have liberated. It’s is why the only smart thing to do is to starve the russians by hitting supply lines and then kill every illegally squatting russian on Ukrainian territory who does not surrender until they are pushed back to their border; which is what they are doing. Then they can join NATO so further invasions can be avoided. Negotiating with Russia is useless; they never kept the last dozen promises. There is only one way this can end and it is with a lot of dead russians.

        The smart thing for the rest of the world to do is to arm Ukraine overwhelmingly so they can demilitarize Russia and accomplish their goals. Appeasement never works. It only emboldens the bully. By your argument the USSR should have laid flat for Hitler and let him burn loot and murder his way across the soviet union and enslave its people for “blut und boden”.

        Dead russians are a good thing. Let it happen.

        • With a house full of kids and family I adore, you can be darn sure my patriotism ends at the tips of their noses. Doesn’t matter who I pay my taxes to. If I had been dumb and brave, I would have joined the armed forces like my cousin or these piles of decomposing Ukrainians. I have only vague allegiance to the state when it aligns with my personal values. Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar…

      • Appeasing bullies never works. Russia has to be bled and defeated in Ukraine. It doesn’t matter if it takes five years or fifty years. A hundred billion or ten trillion. So long as Ukraine is willing to fight to defend their land and their soverignty we should give them the means to bleed Russia dry.

        • It isn’t appeasement when the you can’t win – it is survival. Obviously, the rest of the world decided for Ukraine that it is no longer a state. These same external meddlers bled Iraq and Iran against each other for 8 years by pumping weapons into Iraq. If you can’t see the puppeteer at this point, I’m not going to correct your vision with comments on a blog. Your on one side and I’m on the other. The side that incurs the least death is better – it is basic.

          • The fact of the matter is Vlad won’t stop at Ukraine. When he goes after Poland the US will be required to respond and he has ZERO chance against that. It cheaper to bleed Russia out in Ukraine. It’s win-win for everyone but Russia. Russia will turn out to be a super sized Venezuela.

            • People talking about how killing russians is a ‘good thing’ and how ‘we’ need to bleed russia dry should try to change their perspective for a moment as an exercise, for potential mental growth – a thought experiment per se. At the very least, you should be able to understand, if not appreciate, why many middle easterners hate the west, when by some estimates 600,000 Iraqis died when US invaded and destabilized that region over neocon lies. GWB is literally a war criminal, moreso than Slobodan Milosevik, just based on body count.

              Who besides me doesn’t care if Russia is a ‘giant Venezuela’ or Venezuela is a ‘Venezuela’ or if any foreign land runs their economy or governs their trailer park backyard in a way that pisses off the globalist elite? I’m a civil libertarian, and I believe everybody should be left the hell alone. I’m certainly not going to align with the mainstrean group think, hyperbolic, way over-extended, arguments about some modern domino theory where russia floods back over the Warsaw Pact, but this time ‘it’s for keeps’.GTFOOH.

              A multipolar world will always be better than a monopoler NWO. I will continue to see the bright side every time the war makers, consolidators, illiberal elites get egg on their faces.

              You can spin the deaths of 400,000 young Ukrainian men as noble – after all, you’re watching with binoculars. To me it’s an obvious demographic disaster for an ethnic group (slavs) we should all admire. They’re good looking, smart, people.

              Russia isn’t going to leave Ukraine. Now what?

              • 1. Who invaded who?
                2. No, the Russians aren’t going to leave Ukraine. They are going to killed to the last man if they don’t surrender.

                Now what?

                P.S. You are right, GWB is a war criminal. Please come over here and take him off our hands.

      • Sir, as to the “Sure. And that is why Ukrainian resistance is futile.” Ukrainians have been fighting the state of Moscow for long, and so were the Poles, for the same long period of 500 years or wars or occupation in every century since. At some point, an ethnic group, like us or the Ukrainians, just gets used to it. We can’t obliterate Russia, also they can’t really fully get rid of us. Even nuclear terrorism won’t make them safe.

  5. Wow 😮 , imagine how the sky would look like with 100 drone + 25 storm shadow. This was a serious attack.

  6. The Reporting From Crimea channel is extremely pro-Ukraine. Glad to see the Russkies getting a kicking, but managing to shoot down 50% of the storm shadow missiles, with a drone swarm as a distraction, is still an impressive result.

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