Google Gemini Will Integrate AI into Google Apps and Is Good At Science

Google just revealed Gemini and will directly integrate the AI into Google apps.

The GPT-4 competitor comes in 3 models — Ultra, Pro, and Nano.

Gemini is multimodal and can recognize images and speak in real-time.

With a score of 90%, Gemini Ultra is the FIRST AI model to outperform human experts on the MMLU benchmark.

Gemini has next-generation capabilities such as sophisticated reasoning, multimodality, and advanced coding.

The model is also advanced in math and coding, as compared to ChatGPT (GPT-4), which cannot perform math.

Check out this demo of them solving physics.

1 thought on “Google Gemini Will Integrate AI into Google Apps and Is Good At Science”

  1. This is mind blowing if real. Assuming it is not a bunch of carefully curated examples from hundreds of failures.

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